How to forget an impossible love in 5 keys

For some people, forgetting an impossible love is the most difficult task of their lives, forgetting a love that is still latent in our hearts.

Heartbreak is the new emotional disease of today, we get excited, we surrender without a lifeline in a relationship and when this has come to an end we have to do magic tricks to fight with feelings that are still there .

We Google everything related to forgetting that person who for reasons has decided not to stay with us. And worst of all, we begin to fight with ourselves for loving someone who loves us.

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I think that the task would not be to completely forget someone who helped us awaken the best feelings that we carry inside. For me the essential point is to learn to live with it and not focus on forgetting. Sometimes we overlook what we really deserve in a relationship, which is why it is so difficult for us to completely let go of that unrequited love.

On the subject of love and heartbreak we know nothing, we only learn it when we have to live it and assimilate it in the first person. I have heard people who say that they do not suffer for love, that this is only for adolescents and that they do not waste their time loving someone who does not want anything with them. And then we find those who do suffer for love, as if it were a terminal illness.

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For this reason, stop feeling immature for loving someone who does not love you, do not judge yourself for carrying feelings inside your skin. We are all different when it comes to assimilating that it is time to let go of a love that should no longer continue in our present.

How to forget who doesn’t love me?

It is a process of accepting that that person has every right not to love you or not to continue by your side. Love is freedom in its entirety and that freedom begins when the other person we are close to decides not to continue traveling emotionally with us. And I understand that it can hurt, we are talking about feelings that were not born overnight.

What can you do to forget that impossible love?

Here are 5 tips that will help you forget that person you still have present in your day to day.

take care of yourself

One of the things we stop doing when we have to deal with an unrequited feeling is to focus on ourselves. We spend all our energy loving someone who demonstrates with facts that they are happy away from us, we are busy looking for how to recover who freely decided to leave.

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And that makes us move away from our self-love and there we see ourselves at war with the most important person in our life, with us. Now it’s your turn to be your top priority!

be more selfish

And here I want to be a little harsh. What do you gain by loving someone who doesn’t love you? I think that if we are aware of this question, we will gradually begin to release that feeling. I’ve been on that side of the coin, but when I realized that the only thing that feeling did to me was sink me into constant sadness, I started to let go because I know what I really want and deserve.

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Now it’s your turn to love yourself as others stopped loving you. Now is simply your time to recognize that you deserve a love that wants to love you and give you the love that you have always expected from others. Why don’t you go give yourself another chance where they really want to love you?

Start a relationship with you now!

Why did that relationship stop working? One of the tasks to work on heartbreak is to make a list of all the negative things that person has or did to you. It is the part where you have to be as honest as possible and recognize that it is not worth wearing yourself out so much for something that is not has to stay by your side.

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Some relationships break up to give us another chance at love, to show us the emotional emptiness we carry inside, or simply to teach us what love is and isn’t.

And if your case is that you are in love with a person in silence and you have not told them for fear of being rejected, I invite you to investigate if that person feels something for you, it is useless to extend a feeling that can be shared between two.

Give yourself the opportunity to match other people

The world has millions of humans with the need to be loved and to love in the same way that you know how to do it. That is why we have thousands of opportunities to meet the love of our lives on many occasions. Do not limit yourself to only one love, when you have the opportunity to find more loves in your life.

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Therefore, do not think that you will not find another person who loves you, be careful not to fall trapped in this thought that only leads us to live anchored in the sad past.

Make a list of your priorities in love

When I had to assimilate that this person was not at all what I wanted in a relationship, I began to make a list of my non-negotiable priorities in a relationship. Love has nothing to do with feeling less because others have decided to leave our lives and that is where we have to be aware that loving someone who does not love us is moving away from what we really deserve.

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We all know what an impossible love is and many times getting out of this type of suffering is very difficult for us, for this I invite you not to repress those feelings, stop fighting with what you feel and start giving yourself what you live begging for so much. people who no longer want to love you.

Give yourself the opportunity to meet people who carry the need to love on their skin. There are many people out there who want to live a love like the one you have to share.