10 Famous Art Quotes

10 Famous Art Quotes
10 Famous Art Quotes

Famous art quotes are the best way to promote your arts and also to promote your creative skills and if you want to show creative skills to the world, then this famous art quotes will help you and you can take ideas from this famous art quotes that how should you promote your product if it is related to art. This famous art quotes were written in the best way and still these are in the top positions.

These are very famous and you can also create the same art quotes based on your imagination and creativity. So what are you waiting for just take it and send it to any art lover.

10 Famous Art Quotes

"THE" moment U think U understand a great work of art, it's dead 4 U.

Art is never finished, only aband1d.

In art "THE" hand can never execute anything higher thn "THE" heart can inspire

Art is "THE" most intense mode of individualism tht "THE" world has known.

1 should ei"THE"r be a work of art, or wear a work of art.

I am enough of an artist 2 draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important thn knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles "THE" world.

"THE"re is 1 thing 1 has 2 hve: ei"THE"r a soul tht is cheerful by nature, or a soul made cheerful by work, love, art, and knowledge

Sometimes being a friend means mastering "THE" art of timing. "THE"re is a time 4 silence. A time 2 let go and allow people 2 hurl "THE"mselves in2 "THE"ir own destiny. And a time 2 prepr 2 pick up "THE" pieces whn it's all over.

Art enables us 2 find ourselves and lose ourselves at "THE" same time.

Art is much less important thn life, but wht a poor life without it.