I Need a Hug And Kiss on My Neck Quotes

We all need sometime (or many times, rather) to be given a hug, but not a soft hug that you don’t notice, but one of those warm hugs that transmit care and love and take away all the sadness from your body.

I Need a Hug And Kiss on My Neck Quotes
I Need a Hug And Kiss on My Neck Quotes

This page of hug phrases aims to convey to you the importance of giving hugs to loved ones, to our friends… it is the best way to convey love.

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Categories of hug phrases:

  • Hugs phrases for friends

  • Phrases of hugs, caresses and kisses

  • Hug phrases for my boyfriend

You can send a special hug to a loved one through social networks by sharing some of the images with hug phrases that you will find below:

Nice phrases about hugs

  • To the SAD EYES you have to ask them fewer questions and give them more HUGS.

  • There is a SUIT that adapts to all bodies: the HUG.

  • I love those HUGS, that accidentally make you CLOSE your EYES.

  • Sometimes a simple HUG is what we need to MOVE ON .

  • They say that every time we HUG someone with LOVE or LOVE we gain another DAY of LIFE. ( Paulo Coelho )

  • Hands up!! This is a… HUG!!

Hugs phrases for friends

  • A GIANT HUG for my FRIEND from the bottom of my HEART. God bless you.

  • For the best of my FRIENDS , the biggest of my HUGS. I love you.

  • A HUG for YOU to CURE you from all EVIL and give you strength to SMILE.

  • A big HUG for my BEST FRIEND who deserves all the BEST.

  • When my arms are not enough to HUG the people I LOVE, like YOU dear FRIEND. I embrace you with my PRAYERS. May GOD BLESS you .

  • When I see you I’m going to give you such a big hug that you’re going to feel all the love and appreciation I have for you in every pore of your skin. I love you very much friend and I want you to raise that spirit from today.

Phrases of hugs and caresses and kisses

  • I send you a super affectionate hug because, even apart, we are more UNITED than ever.

  • A SINCERE HUG is the best way to say: I LOVE YOU .

  • HUGS were invented to let your LOVED ONES know you LOVE them without having to say anything.

  • A HUG is the best MEDICINE for many PAINS.

  • You can’t wrap LOVE in a BOX, but you can wrap a PERSON in a HUG that transmits all your LOVE.

  • I send you the biggest of hugs, the softest of caresses and the most tender of kisses. I will always be by your side.

  • If you HUG me the WORLD can STOP at that very moment.

Short phrases about hugs

  • How cute and necessary are those HUGS that close your EYES, open your SOUL and make SADNESS disappear.

  • HUGS that come from the HEART are the best sign of LOVE.

  • One of the best feelings in life is HUGGING a PERSON after MISSING THEM SO MUCH.

  • Benefits of a HUG:

    • Generate WELL-BEING.
    • Provides SECURITY and TRUST.
    • Improve SELF-ESTEEM.
    • It reduces stress.
    • Transmits AFFECTION and LOVE.
    • It’s RECIPROCAL…
      Why don’t we hug each other more??
  • Do you know bear hugs? Well, I’m sending you a very strong one for you.

  • There is nothing as CUTE as HUGING A LOVED ONE TIGHT, and FEELING that they return it to you with MORE STRENGTH because it is just what they NEEDED.

Hug phrases for my boyfriend

  • I think of you, I miss you, I love you and in the distance my soul hugs you…

  • A huge HUG for YOU, so you don’t forget how IMPORTANT you are to ME, and how much I LOVE you.

  • I hug you in the distance with my thought, while I continue to love you with all my heart.

  • Every time I think of you I feel a crazy desire to hug you, to kiss you non-stop… Receive a very strong hug and a very special kiss.

  • That small pressure that you have noticed on your back has been me hugging you from a distance. Love you.

  • I send you a huge hug my life and many kisses full of love. I miss you. Love you!!

A kiss is a way of expressing love, but it can also be simply the fruit of passion, but a hug will always be a way of transmitting tenderness, affection, love…

We have to hug each other more because in such a simple and easy gesture you can transmit so much… and help a lot to that person who needs it and to ourselves.

I hope you like our phrases about hugs and they help you to send beautiful messages to your friends and loved ones full of affection and love.