5 signs your date is not ready for a serious relationship #relationship #couple

A psychologist explains how harmful it is to cling to false hopes believing that your date will fall in love with you sooner or later.

We tell you the signs that he does not want anything serious: Many flirts play with ambiguity.

When you ask your date about his feelings, does he drag you? Does he stop introducing you to his friends? Does he only text you when he wants sex?

5 signs your date is not ready for a serious relationship
5 signs your date is not ready for a serious relationship
They say that love is blind, especially when it’s one-sided or, in other words, you get caught up in the guts of a person who doesn’t really want anything serious. The problem is that we convince ourselves that deep down he feels the same or that sooner or later he will change his mind. But is it healthy to cling to false hopes? Spoiler alert: no.

To avoid this unnecessary suffering you need to learn to keep your feet on the ground. It is normal that you idealize the relationship by imagining a future worthy of The Bridgertons, but you also have to take into account those signs that indicate that your date does not want anything serious.

1. You are the one who makes an effort to move the relationship forward

Although it is not serious or monogamous, we can say that you have a relationship. The problem is that it is unilateral or, in other words, only one of the parties is trying to move forward and that party is you.

It is important to understand that each person expresses affection in a different way, but if your date never shows that he cares for you , it is most likely that, although it hurts to admit it, either he does not want anything serious, or you are not the person he is looking for to have a relationship. stable relationship.

2. He does not want to meet your social circle or introduce you to his

At the beginning of a relationship it is normal to want to focus on the other person, but if as time goes by you feel that they hide you or that they drag you out when you propose to meet your friends, it is possible that they do not want to move forward.

If this happens, the ideal is that there is communication. Otherwise, it can cause self-esteem problems due to pocketing .

3. Emotional reciprocity is conspicuous by its absence

You have shared with your date all your traumas and stories of love failures. Also your dreams of the future and every little corner of your emotional life. Still, he or she is a closed book.

There are people who take longer to open up and others who have little emotional awareness, but in a serious relationship there must be some emotional reciprocity. That is, you should both feel comfortable sharing your feelings, even if you do it to a different degree.

4. He only comes to you when he needs something

And that something is usually sex or attention.

For example, when you have a bad day. She has failed an exam, screwed up at work, or had an argument with her family. She needs to let off steam, de-stress and distract herself, so she writes to you. Nothing happens, it’s normal, but when you have a horrible day and need support, it’s okay. Are you a stress ball? Your private therapist? No, but that’s how he sees you.

He knows that you are always there because you feel something and he takes advantage of those emotions to tie you down and use you when he needs affection or pleasure, and if this were a consensual decision between the two, nothing would happen. The problem is that he does not tell you clearly that he does not want anything serious or that he is only interested in sex and “friendship” – understanding friendship as “you pay attention to me when I have a bad day and I ignore you when you have it”– .

5. When you talk about the relationship, he gives you pause

The last and perhaps most obvious sign is that when you try to talk about the relationship, your date changes the subject or uses euphemisms.

When you ask him if he likes it, how he imagines your relationship in the future or even when sharing your feelings revealing that you like him, your date tells you phrases like “I’m cool but I don’t want to put labels”, "it makes me very overwhelmed thinking about the future ”, “Let’s live day by day”. In other words, she plays with ambiguity.

Again, there would be no problem if he made it clear that he didn’t want anything serious. What happens is that it takes advantage of uncertainty and that is what is harmful.