12 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

The types of marriage can be religious, civil or symbolic unions. If you are trying to find out which of these groups you fall into, we tell you about their characteristics so that you can decide how you want to get married.

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

There are different marriages in the world and that is why there are no rules to celebrate love. Many couples prefer to have a religious union according to the norms of their belief. There are others who choose to avoid so many formalities and have a symbolic ceremony away from everything in which phrases can be dedicated in total privacy.

On the other hand, there are also those who want a different celebration that adapts to their particularities. If the preparations have already begun and you are not sure about the types of marriage in Colombia so that you can choose one, don’t worry! We explain what the types of marriage are and their characteristics.

1. Religious marriage

As its name indicates, it is a type of union that occurs within the framework of the faith that both practice. There are different kinds of religious marriage , and depending on what your union is, it will have legal validity or not, so it is important that you first find out if it will be necessary or not to carry out a civil union. In the case of Christian marriage, for example, notarial legalization is required before the religious ceremony.

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

In the case of Catholic weddings, they will have to take the marriage courses and meet the requirements set by the archdiocese, such as being baptized and confirmed in the Catholic faith. Thus, it is recommended that you inform yourself of all the requirements of your faith months in advance so that you can gather the documentation you need and celebrate your day on the date you have in mind.

2. Civil marriage

It is the most common type of union because it is formalized before the notary or civil authorities without being governed by religious rites or norms. It is one of the simplest and most agile to fill out and, in general, is celebrated in notaries. They should only look for a notarial service at home , make sure that they have the possibility of transferring (if it is outside the city or municipality) and, of course, that the officiating person is available.

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

They must take into account the expenses or notary fees 2022 , in accordance with resolution No. 00755 of the Superintendence of Notaries and Registry 1 , for this year it stipulates the value of $47,400 pesos if it is carried out at the notary’s headquarters, for marriages that take place celebrated outside the notarial office, that is, marriages at home, the respective rights will be $127,900. Which do not include copies, attached documents and taxes. Consult the notary where you want to get married .

If you opt for a virtual marriage in Colombia, remember that you must pay the biometrics which costs $3,927 pesos and the digital signature $9,044 pesos.

3. Interfaith marriage

Another type of marriage that allows couples who are of different religions to marry without giving up their faith. It is the middle point in which both will be able to have a part of their beliefs during the ceremony, that is, they will not have to decide on a religious marriage in a specific faith, but will have an interreligious union where the rites of each faith have fit . Here it is necessary that they hire a specialist who can put together a balanced and respectful relationship with both parties.

4. Symbolic marriage

It is a ceremony that lacks legal value, but, as its name indicates, its meaning at a sentimental and symbolic level is high. Here it is about celebrating their union under their own rules , rites and beliefs .

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

It can be officiated by the person you want, be it a friend, professional, family member or spiritual guide. It is also a ceremony that gives rise to putting together a meaningful script of your preference. It is the favorite of those who want to have an outdoor wedding such as on the beach or a ceremony guided by a shaman in an indigenous reserve.

5. Cross-cultural marriage

Also known as mixed marriage, it is a union that occurs between people who are part of opposite or different cultures . It has certain similarities with the religious one with the difference that faith is not the only thing that is mixed for these couples, but their culture and context also come into play.

It usually occurs between people from different countries . Here it is very important to have legal advice regarding the permits you need to marry a foreigner, since the rules of some countries tend to be more rigid in relation to marriages and they tend to have long waiting times.

6. Equal marriage

In Colombia, marriage between same-sex couples has been legal since 2016 . Here they have two options: a civil marriage , which has no differences with the one described above, and which takes place within the legal framework in which the couple is recognized rights and duties as spouses. They can also hold a ceremony with personalized readings.

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

The second option is a solemn union, which is outside the legal regime and consists of a contract in which both agree on their duties and rights as partners.

7. Non-denominational marriage

This is a type of celebration for those who have a strong faith, but don’t necessarily feel they fit into a particular religion. Being non-denominational means that God will be an important part of the ceremony, being the main axis of their lives, readings or union, but without alluding to the God of a specific belief .

8. Traditional marriage

Just as there are couples who want an extravagant celebration that goes beyond all standards, there are also those who are more conservative and prefer a classic, protocol and formal union .

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

Traditional weddings are usually celebrated in a temple and the couples who celebrate this type of union are those who dream of a classic wedding of fairy tales or even royalty.

9. Modern marriage

In these marriages, unlike the previous one, the aim is to reinvent the traditional idea, creating new and unique twists. It’s about innovation, following trends or looking for unexpected scenarios to celebrate your love .

Ideal for those couples who are not afraid to be themselves and have a celebration that really represents them. The protocols are more lax or nonexistent in these weddings.

10. Marriage or destination wedding ( destination wedding )

In this case, a location other than your residence is chosen to celebrate your marriage. They are usually trips to different cities or countries , where some of their guests will also accompany them. Here there are many factors that come into play such as how long the trip will last, who will accompany them and how the organization will be.

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

In general, couples hire local agencies that are in charge of finalizing all the details and thus take off the burden of the organization. The important thing is that if it is going to be abroad, make sure you comply with all the legal requirements or later have a civil union in your country of origin.

11. Tailor Made Marriage

There is also the possibility that none of the types of marriage described will suit their love story and that they will have to reinvent themselves and create their own. Here you can be free to mix between them, taking the parts that best suit you. As we discussed at the beginning: there is no correct way to celebrate love . Beyond civil or religious marriage, this union has many versions.

12. Marriage elopement – ​​Couple on the run

This type of union was born from the need of many couples to flee in order to get married, because they did not have the approval of their parents or there were a series of inconveniences that did not allow them to join in their place of residence. Today is an opportunity for those couples who want to have an intimate wedding, without witnesses , where only they are needed to celebrate their love.

 Types Of Marriages And Their Characteristics

Although these marriages used to be improvised and carried out in the midst of urgency, now they are usually celebrated by couples who take time to do the planning and in many cases travel to remote places. Here they can choose to do it in secret or tell some of their closest loved ones.

All ways to celebrate love are valid! Remember that there is no one better than another and that everything depends on how you want that day to be for you. May these types of marriage encourage you to organize the celebration of your dreams.