100 Best Sorry Cards For Love

If you haven’t been very lucky lately and you’ve messed up or argued with your partner or with a family member or friend.

And you’re sorry but you don’t know how to apologize, at Best of shayari we want to help you. Flowers are a great way to do it. 

And not only because they are beautiful, but also because of all the messages that can be transmitted.

 thanks to them and that many times we cannot express in words. With the addition that you can include a card that will allow you to calmly reflect on what you want to say and choose the right words.

100 Best Sorry Cards For Love
100 Best Sorry Cards For Love

It is true that flowers alone will not make that person forgive you (or maybe they will), but they do soften the heart and pave the way for us to have a conversation and apologize in person, letting them know that our regret is sincere and that we want to improve so that it does not happen again. We are all human and we make mistakes. The key is to be mature enough to understand when we have made a mistake and know how to rectify it in time so as not to lose the affection of the people we care about.

Therefore, if you are thinking of sorry cards to a loved one to apologize and you do not know how to do it, here we bring you a list of best sorry cards for love that will help inspire you. Although remember that it is always better that what you write comes from your soul and that it is your own.

Examples of best sorry cards for love

  • I am aware that I was wrong because I was unconscious and I have failed you, my girlfriend, the person I love the most. I ask that you give me a second chance to reward you, I promise not to fail again.

  • I long to see the smile on your face. I long to be in your arms, my favorite place. I know, what I did was totally wrong. But please forgive me honey, it’s been too long. I am sorry.

  • It’s never too late to apologize, it’s never too late to realize my mistake, it’s never too late to show you my regret… But it’s also not too late to forgive and give a new chance. Love you!

  • You are the best and most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life and I understand that I have failed you, I understand that I have hurt you, but I also understand that I never have to behave like this with you again. I love you my life, forgive me.

  • I wish there was a machine that would allow you to turn back time, I wish I could make you forget that pain I caused you, I wish none of this had happened… I’m sorry I made a mistake, I’m sorry for all the damage I’ve done to you.

  • Ironic it is, that your deep love for me was sullied by my selfish mind. It’s ironic that your selfless love had to face all this mess. It’s ironic that my remorse and broken heart now seem fake… But I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

  • I will never stop fighting because I believe in forgiveness and that you can forgive me, I believe that you can believe in my repentance, I believe that everything can change. Please believe me I will change.

  • I do not want to lose you my love, you are the woman of my life and I am very sorry for what I have done to you. Please forgive me and I will never screw up again.

  • I ask you to accept my sincerest apologies. Now I have realized that I am nothing without you, that life if it is not by your side has no purpose for me. I’m not asking you to forget it, I’m asking you to let me make you forget.

  • I ask you for a new opportunity, I will do everything possible to make it worthwhile and final… If you forgive me, you won’t regret it.

  • In the life of few things I can say that I have regretted, but this is one of those occasions in which what I have done hurts me, perhaps the most. I hope you can forgive me. I love you.

  • Forgive me for having mistrusted you. My fears took over and insecurity did not let me see clearly. Trust is the basis of any relationship, so on both sides, we will always work so that it never fails again.

  • Our relationship cannot have lies, so from now on I will tell you the whole truth. I lied to you for being a coward, for not wanting to face the consequences of my actions. I was immature, but it won’t happen again.

  • I ask you for the opportunity to let me explain what I feel, how all this hurts, let me tell you how much I love you and all the future plans that I have by your side. I’m really sorry my life.

  • My life is not the same without you by my side. I need you I miss you. Love you. I apologize for my mistakes. I ask for an opportunity to amend them. I ask you, please, to be part of your life again.

  • At this moment I know that my words do not make sense, that they will not satisfy you and that they will not relieve you either… But I hope that at least I can show you my repentance and that it is one more way of asking for your forgiveness.

  • I already know that asking for forgiveness is not enough, that’s why I need an opportunity to show you all the love I feel for you and how sorry I am for having hurt you.

  • I’m really sorry for what I’ve done, I’m really sorry and I don’t want you to distrust me anymore. I will achieve with my actions that you fall in love with me again more than before.

  • I have always promised you a world of happiness, a world of satisfaction, a perfect world, but then… I forgot that I am human and that I could make mistakes. I’m sorry I failed you, and for what it’s worth, it won’t happen again.

Phrases to apologize to a friend

  • I could never be the same person again without your friendship, without you forgiving me, without you forgetting my mistake. I want you to keep in mind that I am very sorry and that I would never do it again.

  • Our friendship has always been the strongest that has ever existed, so I trust that you can forgive me and forget how badly I behaved with you. I trust you believe in me when I tell you that I will never fail you again.

  • My greatest wish right now is that you get to apologize and that we recover our friendship to be able to show you that I will never be wrong again. I hope you will accept my apologies and offer me another chance again.

  • Forgive me friend for the bad times I’ve put you through. I would like this not to affect our beautiful friendship. I hope you trust me again.

  • They say that life offers second chances. I hope you give me that second chance to show you my regret and make you see that I have changed.

  • I want you to know that I deeply regret it, and that making that mistake and mistake is the last thing I would have wanted in my life. I want to apologize with these words, I hope one day you will forgive me and we will be friends again.

  • I put myself in your situation and I know that it would be very difficult to forgive a friend who behaved with you as I behaved, but I know you, and that’s why I think your big heart would be able to do it. I love you, forgive me!

  • I would like to apologize for the times that I unknowingly failed you, I would like to apologize for having acted in a way that you would never have expected of me. I admit my mistakes, I am sorry and I want you to forgive me.

  • Maybe I shouldn’t push you and let time pass, but I’m sick and I’m afraid that time will take you even further away from me. I want to offer you my most sincere apologies friend, I need you in my life.

  • I know that it seems easy to ask for forgiveness, but it is not like that, I live in regret and I die in life because I need your forgiveness and your friendship. I need you in my life friend.

  • I don’t know how long we haven’t spoken, but it has seemed like forever to me; since I don’t talk to you I’m much less happy. I beg you to forgive me, I’m sorry.

  • In addition to apologizing, I would like to let you know that I will never fail you again, that I will take much more care of our friendship, and that I will appreciate that you forgive me every day of my life. I hope one day you can forget it.

  • In this time I have understood the mistake I made and I have been aware of the damage I did to you. Now I know that I failed you when precisely I was the one from whom you least expected that failure. I feel bad about it and I apologize friend.

  • I needed to apologize for all the damage I have done to you, for that great disappointment that you have taken with me. I needed to let you know that I have seen my mistake and live in very painful regret. Forgive me friend!

We hope that this list of phrases for cards to apologize with flowers have helped you to get inspired and find those words you were looking for. Remember that the important thing is that it be a real apology, that you take into account the feelings of your partner, that you show that you did not want to hurt him and that you have the purpose of amendment.

Now you just need to choose your bouquet. Complete the recipient’s information and choose the date and time you want us to deliver it.