Charlie Chaplin Funny Story Will Make You See Life in a Completely Different Way

Charlie Chaplin Funny Story Will Make You See Life in a Completely Different Way. This Charlie Chaplin funny story is amzing.

Charlie Chaplin Funny Story Will Make You See Life in a Completely Different Way
Charlie Chaplin Funny Story Will Make You See Life in a Completely Different Way

How much time have we spent evaluating options, weighing and imagining people's reactions? How many times have we done things that we really didn't want to do? And all for what, to fit in?

Surely as a teenager you cared too much about those little things, but growing up you realized an absolute truth: not everyone can be liked.

And is that whatever you do, it is very difficult for everyone to agree with your decision. The more famous or more responsibility you have the more critical voices you will raise in your path.

Much has been written about this social phenomenon but few stories are as fun and illustrative as the one that the great English comedian, Charles Chaplin , used to tell whenever he heard people criticize a person.

The family and the donkey.

There was once, many years ago, a marriage to a teenage son who had to travel by donkey to find a job to survive on. But on their first visit to a small village, the people seeing them commented:
Look at that young man so poorly educated and taken advantage of! He rests on the donkey while his poor parents walk carrying the reins.

The disgusted woman asked her husband to get on the donkey to prevent them from speaking ill of her son, but when they reached the next town, people murmured:

Look what a scoundrel! He carries his poor wife and son on foot, while he relaxes on top! ”

It was then when the family made the decision to put the woman on a donkey, convinced that people would see them with good eyes, but when passing through the third town, people commented:

Poor man! ... After working all day, he must take his wife on a donkey. Poor son, what awaits you with that comfortable mother! »

Confused they agreed to get on the donkey the three and thus avoid the comments but when they arrived at the next town they heard:

They are beasts, more beasts than the donkey that carries them. They are going to break the column of the poor animal! »

Finally, with no other options, the three decided to get off and walk next to the donkey ... But when passing through the next town they could not believe what the voices mockingly said:

Look at those three idiots! They are walking when they have a donkey that could carry them! »

When he finished narrating the story, Chaplin concluded by saying with a funny smile:

Remember that whatever you do, they will always criticize you, they will speak ill of you and it will be difficult for you to find someone to whom all your attitudes conform.

So now you know, stop worrying about what other people think and honor your own values ​​and thoughts.