Top 105 Best Quotes On Life In Hindi
These are the best quotes on life in Hindi that will change your life and your point of view towards things.
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
These beautiful life quotes in Hindi are written by various renowned world class writers and successful people. Their experience will work like an inspiration for you.
They have shared their valuable life lesson in the forms of life quotes, You must read them sincerely and apple it in your life.
The best quotes on life for personal development. Fantastic collection of quotes from the great philosophers, writers and thinkers.
Quotes for life
1. We have to be willing to put aside the planned life, in order to have the life that awaits us. Joseph Campbell
2. Neither reason is so right, nor is emotion so exciting. Well-being is only achieved when reason and emotion agree.
3. Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom. Aristotle
4. Yesterday I was ready, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. Rumi
5. To stop doing what you don't want, you need to know what you want.
6. In three ways we can learn: first of all by reflection, which is the most noble; second, by imitation, which is easier; and thirdly by experience, which is the most bitter. Confucius
7. Cut your own wood and it will heat you twice. Henry Ford
8. The saddest aspect of life at that time is that science gathers knowledge more quickly than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov
9. Do not win the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. Bob marley
1o. I am not in this world to meet your expectations and you are not in this world to meet mine. Bruce Lee
11. The truth of today is the heresy of tomorrow.
12.The intrinsic value of life depends on consciousness and the power of contemplation, not on mere survival. Aristotle
13. Hold on to your dreams, because if dreams die, life is a bird with broken wings, which cannot fly. Langston Hughes
14. Any fool can know. The key is to understand. Albert Einstein
15. There are times when problems enter our lives and we cannot do anything to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we manage to overcome them will we understand why they were there. Paulo Coelho
16. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. Jimi Hendrix
17. Whenever you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
18. Beware of false knowledge; They are more dangerous than ignorance. George Bernard Shaw
19. Turn your wounds and change them for wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
20. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. William James
21. The fool does not think he is wise, but the prudent man knows he is a fool. William Shakespeare
22. The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach the heart is wise. Maya Angelou
23. An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates
24. When it is clear that the objectives cannot be achieved, do not adjust the objectives, adjust the steps. Confucius
25. Knowledge comes, but wisdom endures. Alfred Lord Tennyson
26. He who knows all the answers has not asked all the questions. Confucius
27. I don't know what weapons will be fought in the Third World War, but in the Fourth World War it will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein
28. A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. John Lubbock
29. Work as if you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige
30. Failure is the seasoning that gives success its flavor. Truman Capote
31. When you give you open the way to receive. Florence Scovel Shinn
32. There are three things that all wise men fear: the sea in the storm, a moonless night, and the wrath of a kind man. Patrick Rothfuss, Fear of a wise man.
33. Obstacles are those awful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford
34. The past has no power over the present moment. Eckhart Tolle
35. Don't waste your time with explanations: people only listen to what they want to hear. Paulo Coelho
36. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. Lewis Carroll
37. We live in a time when unnecessary things are our only needs. Oscar Wilde
38. Sometimes one likes dumb people for their madness, more than people knew for their wisdom. Elizabeth Gaskell
39. Not that I am so smart. But I keep the questions much longer. Albert Einstein
40. When walking on the street of life you must smell the roses that you will only find once. Ben hogan
41. Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Dominating others is strength; Self control is true power. Lao Tse
42. Self-knowledge does not require isolation, but enough time with yourself. Rafael Vídac
43. You are going to do silly things, but do them with enthusiasm. Colette
44. Common sense in an unusual degree is what the world calls wisdom. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
45. In spite of it, force must sometimes bow to wisdom. Rick Riordan, the thief of lightning
46. I am not young enough to know everything. JM Barrie
47. Risks must be taken because the greatest danger in life is not to risk anything. Leo Buscaglia
48. The wise man must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends. Friedrich Nietzsche
49. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
50. Trees are poems that the Earth writes in the sky, then we cut them and turn them into paper, in order to record our emptiness. Kahlil Gibran
51. The only man who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything. Theodore Roosevelt
52. Never complain without giving explanations. Resist the temptation to defend yourself through excuses. Brian Tracy
53. I know what you want to look like. Socrates
54. You yourself, as much as any other in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Gautama Buddha
55. The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Albert Einstein
56. We can only know that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom. Leon Tolstoy , War and Peace
57. Wise? No, I just learned to think. Christopher Paolini
58. The once enlightened mind cannot return to darkness again. Thomas Paine
59. Do not sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice yourself too much, there will be nothing else you can give and no one to take care of you. Karl Lagerfeld
60. Give me a long enough lever and a foothold on which to place it, and I will move the world. Archimedes
61. I am not seeing the world, I am interpreting it. Enric Corbera
62. Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right. Isaac Asimov
63. I don't ask for any crown, it's something everyone can win; Nor try to conquer the world, except the one inside. Louisa May Alcott
64. The only true wisdom is in knowing that he knows nothing. Socrates
65. Count your age for friends, not years. Tell your life for smiles, not for tears. John Lennon
66. In a good book room you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them. Mark Twain
67. The essence of the human being is that he does not seek perfection. George Orwell
68. A wise man will create more opportunities than he finds. Francis Bacon
69. Everything that irritates us from others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves. Carl Jung
70. Half of looking smart is keeping your mouth shut at the right time. Patrick Rothfuss
71. Angry people are not always wise. Jane Austen , Pride and Prejudice
72. A person's best character index is the way he treats people who can't do him any good, and the way he treats people who can't defend himself. Abigail Van Buren
73. Think before you talk. Read before thinking. Fran Lebowitz
74. The secret of life, however, is to fall seven times and get up eight times. Paulo Coelho , The Alchemist
75. If you are reading this ... Congratulations, you are alive. If that is not something to smile for, then I don't know what it is. Chad Sugg, monsters under the head
76. Always look for the seed of triumph in every adversity. Og Mandino
77. It is the mark of an educated mind to understand a thought without accepting it. Aristotle
78. Reality is simply an illusion, although a very persistent one. Albert Einstein
79. Simple things are the most extraordinary, and only the wise can see them. Paulo Coelho , The Alchemist
80. Let no one take you so low as to hate him. Martin Luther King Jr
81. The talent is given. Be humble. Fame is given. Be grateful Cheating is self-determined. Be careful. John Wooden
82. Be careful, for as long as you live, to judge men by their outward appearance. Jean de La Fontaine
83. God is not going to look at you for your medals, titles or diplomas, but for your scars. Elbert hubbard
84. The truth is not for all men, only for those who seek it. Ayn Rand
85. When someone loves you, the way you talk about yourself is different. It feels safe and comfortable. Jess C. Scott
86. It is surprising how complete the illusion is that beauty is goodness. Leo Tolstoy , The Sonata to Kreutzer
87. When one thing is done, it is done. Do not look back. Wait to meet your next target. George C. Marshall
88. We are what our thoughts have done to us; so be careful about what you think. The words are secondary. Thoughts live and travel far. Swami Vivekananda
89. A promise made is an unpaid debt. Robert W. Service
90. You don't write your life with words ... you write it with actions. The only important thing is what you do. Patrick Ness
91. Do not go where the road can take you, go where there is no road and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson
92. True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us. Socrates
93. Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting. Elizabeth Bibesco
94. It is not what we look at in what matters, it is what we see. Henry David Thoreau
95. Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with intelligent people who can argue with you. John Wooden
96. Walk carefully and tactfully, and remember that life is a great balancing act. Dr. Seuss
97. A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. Nelson Mandela
98. The opportunity for goodness presents itself every time a human being is found. Jane Wyman
99. We have to live together as brothers, not perish together as fools. Martin Luther King Jr.
100. Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men. Confucius
101. I stay away from the wisdom that does not cry, the philosophy that does not laugh and the greatness that does not bow to children. Khalil Gibran
102. The scope of what we think and do is limited by what we do not realize. And since we do not realize that there are things that we do not realize, there is little we can do to change, until we realize how not realizing things configures our thoughts and actions. RD Laing
103. A little knowledge that acts, is worth infinitely more than a lot of inactive knowledge. Khalil Gibran
104. Wisdom is not a product of education, but of a lifelong attempt to acquire it. Albert Einstein
105. Do not hide your talents, which were made to use them, what is a sundial in the shade? Benjamin Franklin
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2. Neither reason is so right, nor is emotion so exciting. Well-being is only achieved when reason and emotion agree.
3. Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom. Aristotle
4. Yesterday I was ready, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. Rumi
5. To stop doing what you don't want, you need to know what you want.
6. In three ways we can learn: first of all by reflection, which is the most noble; second, by imitation, which is easier; and thirdly by experience, which is the most bitter. Confucius
7. Cut your own wood and it will heat you twice. Henry Ford
8. The saddest aspect of life at that time is that science gathers knowledge more quickly than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov
9. Do not win the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. Bob marley
1o. I am not in this world to meet your expectations and you are not in this world to meet mine. Bruce Lee
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
11. The truth of today is the heresy of tomorrow.
12.The intrinsic value of life depends on consciousness and the power of contemplation, not on mere survival. Aristotle
13. Hold on to your dreams, because if dreams die, life is a bird with broken wings, which cannot fly. Langston Hughes
14. Any fool can know. The key is to understand. Albert Einstein
15. There are times when problems enter our lives and we cannot do anything to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we manage to overcome them will we understand why they were there. Paulo Coelho
16. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. Jimi Hendrix
17. Whenever you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
18. Beware of false knowledge; They are more dangerous than ignorance. George Bernard Shaw
19. Turn your wounds and change them for wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
20. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. William James
21. The fool does not think he is wise, but the prudent man knows he is a fool. William Shakespeare
22. The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach the heart is wise. Maya Angelou
23. An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates
24. When it is clear that the objectives cannot be achieved, do not adjust the objectives, adjust the steps. Confucius
25. Knowledge comes, but wisdom endures. Alfred Lord Tennyson
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
26. He who knows all the answers has not asked all the questions. Confucius
27. I don't know what weapons will be fought in the Third World War, but in the Fourth World War it will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein
28. A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. John Lubbock
29. Work as if you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige
30. Failure is the seasoning that gives success its flavor. Truman Capote
31. When you give you open the way to receive. Florence Scovel Shinn
32. There are three things that all wise men fear: the sea in the storm, a moonless night, and the wrath of a kind man. Patrick Rothfuss, Fear of a wise man.
33. Obstacles are those awful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford
34. The past has no power over the present moment. Eckhart Tolle
35. Don't waste your time with explanations: people only listen to what they want to hear. Paulo Coelho
36. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. Lewis Carroll
37. We live in a time when unnecessary things are our only needs. Oscar Wilde
38. Sometimes one likes dumb people for their madness, more than people knew for their wisdom. Elizabeth Gaskell
39. Not that I am so smart. But I keep the questions much longer. Albert Einstein
40. When walking on the street of life you must smell the roses that you will only find once. Ben hogan
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
41. Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Dominating others is strength; Self control is true power. Lao Tse
42. Self-knowledge does not require isolation, but enough time with yourself. Rafael Vídac
43. You are going to do silly things, but do them with enthusiasm. Colette
44. Common sense in an unusual degree is what the world calls wisdom. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
45. In spite of it, force must sometimes bow to wisdom. Rick Riordan, the thief of lightning
46. I am not young enough to know everything. JM Barrie
47. Risks must be taken because the greatest danger in life is not to risk anything. Leo Buscaglia
48. The wise man must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends. Friedrich Nietzsche
49. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
50. Trees are poems that the Earth writes in the sky, then we cut them and turn them into paper, in order to record our emptiness. Kahlil Gibran
51. The only man who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything. Theodore Roosevelt
52. Never complain without giving explanations. Resist the temptation to defend yourself through excuses. Brian Tracy
53. I know what you want to look like. Socrates
54. You yourself, as much as any other in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Gautama Buddha
55. The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Albert Einstein
56. We can only know that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom. Leon Tolstoy , War and Peace
57. Wise? No, I just learned to think. Christopher Paolini
58. The once enlightened mind cannot return to darkness again. Thomas Paine
59. Do not sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice yourself too much, there will be nothing else you can give and no one to take care of you. Karl Lagerfeld
60. Give me a long enough lever and a foothold on which to place it, and I will move the world. Archimedes
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
61. I am not seeing the world, I am interpreting it. Enric Corbera
62. Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right. Isaac Asimov
63. I don't ask for any crown, it's something everyone can win; Nor try to conquer the world, except the one inside. Louisa May Alcott
64. The only true wisdom is in knowing that he knows nothing. Socrates
65. Count your age for friends, not years. Tell your life for smiles, not for tears. John Lennon
66. In a good book room you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them. Mark Twain
67. The essence of the human being is that he does not seek perfection. George Orwell
68. A wise man will create more opportunities than he finds. Francis Bacon
69. Everything that irritates us from others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves. Carl Jung
70. Half of looking smart is keeping your mouth shut at the right time. Patrick Rothfuss
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
72. A person's best character index is the way he treats people who can't do him any good, and the way he treats people who can't defend himself. Abigail Van Buren
73. Think before you talk. Read before thinking. Fran Lebowitz
74. The secret of life, however, is to fall seven times and get up eight times. Paulo Coelho , The Alchemist
75. If you are reading this ... Congratulations, you are alive. If that is not something to smile for, then I don't know what it is. Chad Sugg, monsters under the head
76. Always look for the seed of triumph in every adversity. Og Mandino
77. It is the mark of an educated mind to understand a thought without accepting it. Aristotle
78. Reality is simply an illusion, although a very persistent one. Albert Einstein
79. Simple things are the most extraordinary, and only the wise can see them. Paulo Coelho , The Alchemist
80. Let no one take you so low as to hate him. Martin Luther King Jr
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
81. The talent is given. Be humble. Fame is given. Be grateful Cheating is self-determined. Be careful. John Wooden
82. Be careful, for as long as you live, to judge men by their outward appearance. Jean de La Fontaine
83. God is not going to look at you for your medals, titles or diplomas, but for your scars. Elbert hubbard
84. The truth is not for all men, only for those who seek it. Ayn Rand
85. When someone loves you, the way you talk about yourself is different. It feels safe and comfortable. Jess C. Scott
86. It is surprising how complete the illusion is that beauty is goodness. Leo Tolstoy , The Sonata to Kreutzer
87. When one thing is done, it is done. Do not look back. Wait to meet your next target. George C. Marshall
88. We are what our thoughts have done to us; so be careful about what you think. The words are secondary. Thoughts live and travel far. Swami Vivekananda
89. A promise made is an unpaid debt. Robert W. Service
90. You don't write your life with words ... you write it with actions. The only important thing is what you do. Patrick Ness
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
92. True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us. Socrates
93. Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting. Elizabeth Bibesco
94. It is not what we look at in what matters, it is what we see. Henry David Thoreau
95. Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with intelligent people who can argue with you. John Wooden
96. Walk carefully and tactfully, and remember that life is a great balancing act. Dr. Seuss
97. A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. Nelson Mandela
98. The opportunity for goodness presents itself every time a human being is found. Jane Wyman
99. We have to live together as brothers, not perish together as fools. Martin Luther King Jr.
100. Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men. Confucius
Quotes On Life In Hindi |
101. I stay away from the wisdom that does not cry, the philosophy that does not laugh and the greatness that does not bow to children. Khalil Gibran
102. The scope of what we think and do is limited by what we do not realize. And since we do not realize that there are things that we do not realize, there is little we can do to change, until we realize how not realizing things configures our thoughts and actions. RD Laing
103. A little knowledge that acts, is worth infinitely more than a lot of inactive knowledge. Khalil Gibran
104. Wisdom is not a product of education, but of a lifelong attempt to acquire it. Albert Einstein
105. Do not hide your talents, which were made to use them, what is a sundial in the shade? Benjamin Franklin
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