18 Scandals That Justin Bieber Revealed In A Documentary About His Addictions

Just recently Justin Bieber premiered his mini documentary on YouTube, he confessed his problems with addictions in addition to the mistakes he committed in the dark period of his life.

18 Scandals That Justin Bieber Revealed In A Documentary About His Addictions

1. In 2015 while driving his fans crazy with his great world tour, he had his first “conflict” and decided to cancel the last dates:Justin began to feel overwhelmed by attention, the screams of his fans, the lights on stage, the pressure, stress and everything that led him to withdraw from the stage for a good time.

2. Justin confessed that he used illegal substances for the first time when he was 13 years old:"The first time I smoked was in the backyard of my house".

It was then that he felt he liked smoking and wanted to continue doing so.

3. The dependence on narcotics led him to "lose himself":Justin confessed that he began to try other things and that only this made him feel good, having a lot of money and access to whatever he wanted, combined with making bad decisions together He was sunk into addiction to the wrong people.

4. He was arrested in 2014 for driving at high speed without a license and under the influence of narcotics:Justin was 19 when he was arrested, for driving a yellow Lamborghini at high speed, next to his friend Khalil Sharieff who was driving a Ferrari.

The only beneficiaries of this arrest were those of the dealership, who gave him the cars in exchange for posting their use on Instagram, and who are still receiving publicity of the event.

5. He was accused of throwing eggs at the house of his neighbors:In the video that the neighbor presented to make the complaint you can hear Justin's voice, so his lawyer arranged a payment of $ 80k dollars and had to take 12 kinds of anger management in addition to community work.

6. He urinated in a cleaning bucket when leaving a New York restaurant:Justin was dining out with a group of friends when he decided it would be a good idea to pee in the cleaning bucket of this restaurant.

7. His security officers entered his room at midnight to check his pulse:He remembers these moments as something terrifying, because nobody really knew how addicted he was.

8. “The first thing I did in the morning was to take pills and use drugs”.

9. His personal doctor described Justin as someone in “ruins” when he began to treat him:“He had just begun to leave the drugs, he was anxious, overwhelmed, he didn't sleep”.

10. Antidepressants help you "get out of bed" but your face shows something different.

11. Sleep in an inflatable capsule to treat anxiety:This provides more oxygen to the brain and lowers stress levels, Justin chose to sleep in this capsule to treat and improve his day to day.

12. You are being treated with detoxification therapy to end your treatment.

13. He was diagnosed with Lyme disease: Lymedisease in a fast-growing bacterium that causes a series of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as sudden mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety, this is caused by the bite of an infected tick .

14. It also tested positive for "Epstein Barr":This virus also known as human herpes 4, is commonly spread by saliva and can cause drowsiness, general discomfort, sore throat, muscle aches, and acne.

15. His addiction for intimacy led him to choose chastity for a good time:His infidelities, and going from girlfriend to girlfriend is something quite public in the singer's life, so he decided to stop, because he considered it an addiction that no longer It gave him no pleasure.

16. Apparently only when he and Hailey got married, he broke his vow of chastity:Some sources cite that this would be the reason why his civil wedding was so rushed.

17. It was Ariana Grande encouraged him to sing again:When Ariana appeared in Coachella, he proposed to Justin to share the stage so that he could sing his “Sorry” success, he stressed that he did not go on stage for at least 2 years.

18. A last photo of him went viral because his appearance made everyone think that he relapsed again:The memes and the comparisons were swift, comments saying that he looks like Don Ramón del Chavo del 8, even emphasizing that He looks like a homeless man, etc.

All this shortly after his mini documentary was released on YouTube.