5 Worst and 5 Best Things of "Avengers: Endgame"

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1. Something Slow Starts

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Since we had already seen the first minutes of this film in the trailers made the first 20 minutes of the film were somewhat slow unlike the great start that had Infinity War with the fight between Thanos and Hulk.
2. It Is Very Long

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Although it is one of its strongest points, it is also one that fans criticize. A lot of people could not stand those 3 hours without going to the bathroom and they missed important moments of the movie. Not to mention, there are moments that could have been cut to later be included in the Blu-ray.
3. The Appearance of Fortnite

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The moment we see a drunken Thor playing Fortnite with his friends I end up with some fans who believe that this did not fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although they appreciate trying to include the pop culture of the moment in the film.
4. Thor's Obesity

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Although it is most memorable, more than one wanted to see this god of thunder in his best condition for the battle and that was not the case. Thor went from being an incredible warrior to a laugh in this movie.
5. It's Over

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This was the end of heroes like Black Widow, Iron Man and Captain America or at least as we know them. Hopefully the next phase of Marvel fill us the void left by these characters.
1. Many Emotional Moments

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Unlike Infinity War, this movie showed us another facet of the heroes who were devastated by Thanos' big crack. Thanks to this, they show us many touching and harrowing scenes.
2. An Incredible Mix

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This film was able to mix in a balanced way the sad, exciting and funny moments in a unique way. The Russo brothers undoubtedly managed to evoke a lot of different feelings in their fans in a truly unforgettable way.
3. Relive Great Moments

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During the time travel scenes, the film feels like a revival of great moments of the franchise and this moved more than one fan who remembered each of the references.
4. All the Avengers Together

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In this film we were able to see all the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe united to fight against Thanos. Unlike Infinity War, the battle was divided into the group of heroes who fought on earth and those who fought in space.
5. The End of Captain America

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The closing of the history of Captain America was something that we all expected, but we did not know how it would be and it was one of the most emotional of all. I can think that all the fans of the franchise are satisfied that finally Steve Rogers could have the life he deserved to go back in time.