10 Questions Left Unanswered in Avengers: End Game

First of all we must warn you that this post contains SPOILERS.
These were some of the unanswered questions from Avengers: End Game
1. Who Will Be the Iron Man Replacement?

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Some say that Tony's daughter, Morgan Stark, will be the successor, but she is still a girl and when her time comes, many of the heroes will be retired. 
Will Pepper and Rhode be ready to fill Iron Man shoes?
2. Why Did Iron Man Have Problems with His Arms in The Previous Films?

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In past films we saw how Tony Stark always hurt his arm. Some suggest that this is because in the future, Tony used the bracelet and the power of it was so strong, that the physical sequels traveled in time.
3. Are the Clicks Necessary?

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When Hulk put on the bracelet, he began to experience the power of the gems of the infinite just by thinking about what he wanted to happen. 
We know that in the comic, Thanos cleaned the universe with a snap, but was it necessary to do it or would it have been just thinking about what you wanted to happen?
4. Where Is Loki?

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In End Game we saw how the 2012 Loki manages to run away with the Tesseract. By doing this, Loki created a parallel reality where he did not end up being strangled by Thanos. 
But what will be the final destiny of Loki ?, probably we know it in his next film.
5. Did the Gems Stop Being so Powerful?

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In Guardians of the Galaxy, The Collector explained that the stones could not even be touched by any individual, unless they are powerful. And he even saw one of his servants explode when he touched one of the stones. 
However, in End Game we could see how almost all the characters touched the gems without any problem.
6. how Did Humans React to The Resurrection?

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We know that those who were decimated by the click lived the resurrection as if 5 seconds had passed, but in reality they spent several years on earth. 
How was it that people managed to resume living together with their loved ones and their environment?
7. Hawkeye Was Madly in Love with Black Widow?

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In the beginning we saw that what Hawkeye loved the most were his children and his family, so why the sacrifice to obtain the Soul Gem was Black Widow. 
Surely there was love from friends, but love?
8. Why Does Thanos Seem Stronger without The Gems of The Infinite than Without Them?

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After destroying the building of The Avengers, we saw how Thanos without the gems of infinity faced off in a 3-on-1 fight. 
However, Thanos seemed as strong as if he had the gems.
9. Did Tony Accidentally Kill Gamora?

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When Tony manages to make a snap to kill Thanos and all who had come with him, did he also end up with Gamora? 
Tony did not know Gamora, and she was part of the crew that came from the past with Thanos. Did he manage to kill her too?
10. Why Did Not Capitan Marvel Help You from The Beginning?

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During the confrontation with Thanos we lived many tense moments, which could have been avoided with the superpowers of Captain Marvel. 
However, End Game was filmed first that the movie of Captain Marvel and the production somehow did not want to tarnish the prominence of the Avengers. What proves it was a wise decision.