How To Get Rid Of Mold On The Walls In The Apartment

How to get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment. 

How To Get Rid Of Mold On The Walls In The Apartment
How To Get Rid Of Mold On The Walls In The Apartment

Mold is a toxic fungus with an unpleasant odor that forms on the surfaces of walls and ceilings. A key factor in the spread of the fungus is excessive moisture in the room. There is no one at home, which is completely immune from infection by these harmful bacteria. Therefore,Act as quickly as possible at the first appearance of mold on the walls, otherwise it is fraught with undesirable consequences.

How to get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment
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Find out and correct the cause of high humidity in the room, you may want to seal the seams from the outside and to check the quality of ventilation. Thoroughly dry the infected surface of the walls with a blowtorch or heating devices, thereby you stop the spread of spores.

Before the destruction of mold on the walls, you need to start with cleaning up contaminated sites. Mold has the ability to penetrate into deep layer of finishing material, so remove all the layers with a spatula, down to the concrete slab or brick. The fungus has the ability to affect not only a finishing material, but also concrete constructions.

Carefully apply on the affected area with mould antiseptic preparations that possess antimicrobial and antifungal effect. Such products are well represented in all DIY stores. Read carefully the instruction, which should be pointed out that the tool is intended for disinfection of the inner surface of the house. In addition, the tool should not only remove the mold but also to prevent its further occurrence.

After a planned and gradual destruction of mold, use only breathable materials or primers and paints that have antibacterial properties. Vinyl Wallpaper – is not the best solution for the decoration of the room where there was mold.

Useful advice

In any case, do not force the raw corners of furniture, generally try not to put it close to the walls. Always leave a small space for air circulation. Often ventilate the room, especially it has the plastic window), thus you will be able to avoid the formation of mold.