Dreaming of a person who does not speak to you in real life

This type of dream speaks of our past, of our development process and of the abilities that we develop in moments of transition. Dreaming that you take an exam for which you have not studied may represent that you do not feel ready for some situations that you are experiencing in your daily life, or that you feel somewhat alone and cannot find someone who can help you. 

Dreaming of a person who does not speak to you in real life
Dreaming of a person who does not speak to you in real life

If you dream that you are going to take an exam, but you are calm at the time of doing it, this dream can represent that you feel sure of yourself and that you feel satisfied with your efforts, your work and your actions. When you dream that you are walking down the street, this means that you are in a development searching for a path that will lead you to your goals.

Dreaming of my husband with another woman in bed

They can also represent a time when we feel physically energized and in a strong, active state of mind. If you dream that you are being interviewed for a job, it is likely that you are going through a moment in your life in which you feel inferior to other people, and you want them to like you. 

If it is a dream that is repeated a lot for you, perhaps you should rethink the value that you give to the criticism of others. This may mean that you want to make a major major change, as you may feel that all your efforts are not allowing you to move forward. In the much more esoteric sense, it is estimated that these dreams are related to a moment of economic fortune. But from the analysis of dreams,

If it is a relative, this would symbolize a sense of responsibility. Seeing a deceased in the dream can be a claim for us to listen to their advice or we must remember what they gave us in life. For example, it could represent that to make that huge change, you may need to get away from that person or remove the influence of this friend from your path. 

Dreams in which a bus appears, likewise dreams in which we take a trip, are usually related to the appearance of new occasions and the desire for change. Dreams in which your house catches fire are usually associated with recent behaviors and experiences. They have the possibility of indicating a moment of stress, anguish or a stage with many changes.

Dreaming that you have an abortion is a fairly common dream for some women, and it symbolizes that things are not going well. These types of dreams tell us about fears about the future, stress or a recent significant loss. The sea represents, in the dream flat, deep emotions and feelings that you thought you had already overcome. These types of dreams can indicate a connection to basic instincts, and can also relate to the desire for independence and energy. If the car is broken, the meaning of the dream could indicate that you are in a situation in real life that makes it hard for you to motivate yourself and pursue your goals.

Something is missing in your life

Next, we give the different explanations about what it means to dream of a person. Dreaming of your ex in this context does not mean that you want to return to that relationship, but rather that you want to rekindle the present one. Dreams, to a large extent, show us fears or facts that we may not have realized that we are avoiding and for each person they are different to interpret. 

Everything we dream has to do with the value and interpretation that each person gives it, so much so that the meaning of dreaming about your ex-partner does not have a single explanation. It is estimated that as a general rule we count several at night and that each one lasts between 5 and 20 minutes, even though we tend to forget most of them.

If you constantly dream of the disappearance of your ex, it is most likely that you have not yet received the metaphorical disappearance of that relationship. You have to learn to let go of the past or you will not be able to fully enjoy the present.

To dream that you have a passionate

This does not always mean that things go wrong, it just represents that you feel that you deserve more and that you have to face your fears to achieve it. When a shark appears in our dreams, this can symbolize that you are going through a moment of anxiety, restlessness and anguish. 

Although if the dream is positive, it can represent a feeling of strength and motivation to continue in life. If you have a dream like this, first you have to ask yourself the most visible. Discarded this option, this kind of dreams can reflect that your relationship is progressing, and that you feel very close to that person. In this type of dream you may be reflecting a situation in your real life where you have invested a lot of time and work.

At the moment when we dream of a friend, a co-worker or an ex-partner, it is also very possible that they are thinking or dreaming of us. If we have contact with them, we could tell them about our dream and check if they have also dreamed of us on some occasion. So if by scrolling on Facebook, Instagram or company you have accidentally come across a photograph of your ex, it is possible that your mind has simply introduced it into your dreams because it has it in its information bank.

Dream that you like a friend

“However, here I am highlighting their symbolic quality, because we have a certain tendency to understand them as literal things.” While the conscious being remains awake, the other self sleeps and develops new experiences that, upon awakening, the waking being barely recognizes as his own. 

Beyond the various investigations that have been carried out on sleep, there is still no satisfactory definition, which reveals to us that this underworld that is so relevant to our lives is still a secret. The contents of this publication are written for informational purposes only. At no time can they serve to make diagnoses simpler or replace the task of a professional.

Having the idea in which you are doing a job, you may have felt excited, but little by little you have realized that the period of “gestation” necessary to turn that idea into a situation can be really long. The world of dreams is complex, and still holds many mysteries for science. It is believed that dreams are formed as a result of complex processes that directly involve the hippocampus, a part of our brain that is related to memory and memories.

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It can also be related to the feeling of guilt that causes you to have hurt the feelings of someone you love. If you dream that you have a lot of food, it can represent that you are going through a moment of great abundance. On the other hand, if you dream that there is no food or you cannot eat it all, it may represent that you are reaching an extreme situation. The meaning can also change depending on the transport in which the accident takes place.

You Are Having A Hard Time Getting Over A Trauma From The Past

The only truth is that, every day, at the time we sleep, thousands of bizarre, beautiful or terrible images populate our heads. “They are the most primitive attack weapons that exist, they symbolize inner strength and will. For this reason, losing them speaks of being dispossessed, of weakness. In other cultures, it is associated with death”, explains Tahoces.

Do you remember the chronicle of Alice falling down the hole chasing the white rabbit in Wonderland? Your dreams take you far every night, and flying away depends a lot on the way you fall. In myths, such as that of Icarus, flight speaks of the desire to sublimate oneself, to seek internal harmony, to end conflicts. Dreamily, especially if it is spontaneously, they talk about the unconscious desire to escape from restlessness and internal or external conflicts. 

On the other hand, if you dream that you are taking flowers to the cemetery, it means that you miss someone very much. It is also recurring that this dream appears in times of insecurities, although if ghosts appear, it can be interpreted that you will soon have the accompaniment of your loved ones.

Beyond the fact that when we have beautiful dreams most of the time we do not keep the positive part, it is a situation that when these are something unusual for us, we end up worrying throughout the entire vigil. They are commonly accompanied by an anxious feeling and are usually the sign that the dreamer is mired in the uncertainty of a difficult situation. 

You already know what the bases of dreams with death are, and you can shape the interpretation of certain dream representations that are similar to it. But so that you have more information, we will tell you some data that can slightly change the concept of these dreams. The murderers, within the dream world, represent the negativity where we can live, such as certain unresolved conflicts or inconveniences that have not been resolved yet, and that darken your future. If you dream of the goal of the world, you may be trying very hard and, even so, you are not getting what you want.