7 Ways To Please A Guy
You also tormented by this eternal question: how to please him? Yes, it's not just...
But, you know, I'll tell you what, one thing is for sure – you will like it or not, we'll find out only when he will turn his attention on you. So from this you need to start. He'll notice you. In the end, the world is full of nice guys.
#1 WEAR ALL THE BEST FROMHa ha ha! Of course, it's a joke. But not quite. Watch what you wear and try to look as best as possible. Stretched sweaters and faded t-shirts better to postpone. No, just throw. This does not mean that you have to drastically change your sport style on the studs and plunging neckline. Look gorgeous in any style.
#2 BE CONFIDENTBritish scientists have long found that self-confident people cause a lot more sympathy. You're beautiful, don't doubt yourself, he'll appreciate it.
#3 SMILEOne of the first things which attract the guys (and not only them) is your smile. Try to smile and you'll be amazed at the result. He looks at you – smile!
#4 LOOK HIM STRAIGHT IN THE EYEWhen you speak with him, don't stare over his shoulder into space. Look straight into his eyes. But not pushing too hard is a sure way to alienate yourself from anyone.
Know that he is interested in ballroom dancing? Great! Sign up in the same section. He was appointed a Director in your high school production of "Cinderella" you know who should play the main role. In General,use any case that would stand with him, preferably on the same team, occupy an interesting case.
#6 TELL ME ABOUT YOUR SYMPATHIES YOUR MUTUAL FRIENDYes, it's very scary, I know. But, if the friend will tell the guy that you like him (LOL J ), then your chances will increase. It is quite possible that he, too, dreams of you, but is afraid to go first.
#7 DON'T FOLLOW THEM IN SOCIAL NETWORKSI understand that it is unlikely you have enough willpower not to go on his page. But don't spend 24 hours a day, looking for the details of his personal life.