20 Best SMS And Messages For A Person Who Has Attitude
Love can't survive with a person who has attitude. Reply to your boyfriend and girlfriend with this 20 best sms and messages so that he leaves his/her mountain attitude.
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10 Best SMS And Messages For A Person Who Has Attitude |
Where there is attitude love will run away from his partner and that is truth. If you show attitude in your pure loving relationship than it will fall. That is why people say there should be no attitude in love. If your boyfriend or girlfriend has such big attitude than you can make her understand the demerits of attitude with this best attitude sms and messages. This attitude sms will solve your problem. This has the potential to solve any love matter or relationship.
How to impress a girl on phone
In teen age many couple face this problem and it becomes worse after marriage. So it is better if you leave this nonsense attitude before getting married. If your boyfriend shows you attitude then send this attitude messages to him so that he understand the value of your love and throw away his mountain attitude. Because if it continues then you are with a wrong person and you will not have equality in your relationship. So for the equality of your relationship you must ignore a person who has attitude. So do not be nervous if your girlfriend/boyfriend has attitude. Simply send this one of the best ever attitude sms and messages and solve your problem for ever.
10 Best and messages for a person who has lots of attitude
1. Whnevr U're in conflict with some1, thr is 1 fac2r tht can make the difference between dmaging Ur relationship nd deepening it. Tht fac2r is attitude.
2. Find a guy who calls U beautiful instead of hot, who calls U back whn U hang up on him, who will lie under the
stars nd listen 2 Ur heartbeat, or will stay awake just 2 watch U sleep... wait for the boy
who kisses Ur
forehead, who wants 2
show U off 2 the world whn U r in sweats, who holds Ur hnd
in front of his friends, who thinks U're just as pretty without makeup on. 1 who is constantly reminding U of how much he crs nd how lucky his is 2 hve U....
The 1 who turns 2 his friends nd says, 'tht's her.'
3. No man is worth Ur tears, bt
once U find 1 tht is, he won't make U cry.
4. U want me 2 act like we've nevr kissed, U want 2 forget; pretend we've nevr met , nd I've tried nd I've tried, bt I hven't yet... U walk by, nd I fall 2 pieces.
5. I just broke up with some1 nd the last thing she said 2 me was U'll nevr
find any1 like me
again! I'm thinking, I should hope 9t! If I don't want U, why would I want some1 like U.
6. U can't s2p loving or wanting 2 love bcoz whn its right, it's the
best thing in the world. Whn
U're in a
relationship nd it's
good, even if 9thing
else in Ur life is
right, U feel like Ur whole world is complete.
7. Thr is no
feeling more comforting nd
consoling thn knowing
U r right next 2 the 1 U love.
8. True love is like a pair of socks: U gotta hve two nd they've gotta match.
9. Some people come in2 our lives nd quickly go. Some stay for awhile nd leave footprints on our
hearts. Nd we r nevr, ever the sme.
10. How can a woman be expected 2 be happy with a man who insists on treating her
as if she were a perfectly normal human being.
11. Whnevr U're in conflict with some1, thr is 1 fac2r tht can make the difference between dmaging Ur relationship nd deepening it. Tht fac2r is attitude.
12. I can't change the direction of the wind, bt I can adjust my sails 2 always reach my destination.
13. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of
attitude on life. Attitude, 2
me, is more important thn
facts. It is more important thn
the past, the education, the m1y,
thn circumstances, thn failure, thn successes, thn wht othr people think or say or do. It is more important thn appearance, giftedness
or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable
thing is we hve a
choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for tht day. We can9t change our past... we can9t change the fact tht people will act in a
certain way. We can9t
change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the 1 string we hve, nd tht is our attitude. I m convinced tht life is 10% wht happens 2 me nd 90% of how I react 2 it. Nd so it is with U... we r in charge of our
14. Smile whn
it hurts most.
15. Our attitude 2ward life determines life's attitude 2wards us.
16. If U
will call Ur troubles
experiences, nd
remember tht every
experience develops some latent force within U, U will grow vigorous nd happy, however adverse Ur circumstances may seem 2 be.
17. Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something
can be d1 rather thn saying it can't be d1.
18. U can9t control wht happens 2 U, bt U
can control Ur
attitude 2ward wht happens 2 U, nd in tht,
U will be mastering
change rather thn
allowing it 2 master U.
19. Attitude is a little thing tht makes a big difference.
20. The only disability in life is a bad attitude.