Dating Messages

dating means building a relatioship. or taking your step one step ahead for building a successful and romantic relatiop filled with love. Dating means people meet each other and know about each other and if they feel connectivity between them than they go ahead into that relationship.

This dating messages are like an invitation for girl asking for a meeting and then it is upto you whether you want to take your relation ahead or not. So grab this dating messages and send to girl and ask for dating.

Dating SMS

Hello, I M (nMe) nd I was attracted 2 U since the first day I saw U in school. I’d like 2 hve the opportunity 2 know U better.
Would U be interested in going out with U? Waiting 4 Ur reply.

Hello, hope U remember me from last evening’s ball. I hve been thinking of U since thn. Would U honor me by going out on a dinner with me this weekend? Please let me know. (NMe)

Hello Lily, I can accuse U of stealing my heart. If U don’t want the police 2 turn up at Ur doorstep thn meet me in front of the ice-creM parlor down the street. Paul

Hi! This is 2 warn U tht a warrant has been issued against U 4 stealing my heart. This is 9t the time 2 hide bt 2 come in clear nd accept Ur crime. U hve the chance till 2day evening 2 decide whether U want 2 go 2 jail or want 2 become mine 4ever.

If U R reading this message, thn U cR 4 me.
If U ignore thn U miss me.
If U save thn U desire me.
If U reply thn U wish me,
If U delete thn U love me.
Now, the decision is Urs.

I only send messages 2 1 who’s close, loving or caring. I M texting U boz U R all.

It is 9t a special day. Thr is no occasion 2 text U. Bt I M messaging U boz I Remember U Always!

Even if thr is no call or message from U. I will always remember U nd love U.