17 Goodbye Love Messages
17 Goodbye Love Messages
You loved someone and for some reason you have to say goodbye. that is a very emotional period. But if you are going through such emotional part than we have some good by sms and messages that will release your pain.
This goodby messages will help you to express your feelings in different way and convey your messages to your beloved one. use them and be happy.
17 Goodbye SMS
Goodbye doesn’t end a relation 4ever. It is the promise 2 meet again.
It is important 2 say goodbye 2 the old things 2 welcome the future. So, don’t feel bad or don’t lose heart.
Parting is temporary,
It is 9t the end,
Goodbye is the promise,
We will meet again.
U can only look in2 the bright side of the things whn U get over the heartache. Don’t spend Ur time worrying about the past nd let byg1 be byg1.
Let the past bury its dead,
Let go of things,
Kiss thm goodbye!
Good bye nd Good luck!! Hope U’ll find success nd happiness U deserve.
I want 2 let U know tht I hve cherished every moment of our 2getherness bt un4tunately the fate has different plans 4 us.
I will definitely miss all the moments tht we hve spent 2gether. All the laughter tht we hve shRd. I M happy tht I hve so many good memories 2 take with me.
I know U will be hurt,
I know U will cry,
I know U will hate me,
Bt its time 2 say goodbye!
If I M given the chance I’ll exchange the world’s wealth 4 U. The most difficult thing is 2 say goodbye whn U R so close.
Sometimes we don’t want 2 let go of things bt we hve 2 boz it happens 2 be the best thing 2 do at tht moment. Hope U’ll understnd me.
Don’t hold things in Ur fist,
Open Ur palm,
Nd, let thm go.
A9ther day, a9ther time
Till we meet again, Goodbye!!
Let us part 4 now 2 meet again.
Sometimes whn things simply don’t go right thn it is better 2 say goodbye.
We don’t understnd how much we love till the person we love leaves us.
If U R finding it hard 2 say goodbye thn U surely R in love.