About Me

I am Rohan Mod, I am a software engineer and love to write on this blog for my passion. I just love blogging and share everything that I feel. If you feel that this blog is helping you in any way than please share it. I will be obliged that somewhere i could help you. I just love my blog and try to update it at regular interval. If you have anything that you wish to share with us than hit me a email. I have been blogging since 5 years and the only reason is I love to write and try to express my inner thoughts through this blog. I am a simple man, average looking and bit spiritual. Blogging has been a joy for me and that's why I blog. If you have any query related to this blog or want to write for you"Yeah for you" Anyone who feels that he wants to help someone can write for this blog. Send me a email and help others.