10 Ways to surprise your partner without spending money

Surprising your partner can be the best tool to keep the flame of your love burning . It is no secret to anyone that relationships are built with details. These, in turn, become symbols that are associated with experiences with your partner to create unforgettable memories.

10 Ways to surprise your partner without spending money
10 Ways to surprise your partner without spending money

We live in a capitalist world that makes us believe that gifts are only those things that you can buy. However, nothing is further from reality than that. It has been proven that almost always the gifts that most mark a person’s life do not cost anything.

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Thinking about this, today, we wanted to share with you these ideas to surprise your partner without having to spend a fortune. Advice from the heart that will help you create memories full of meaning.

Ideas to surprise your partner

1. Romantic Playlist

Create a playlist to share with your love you can do it on Youtube or on another music platform. It includes in it the most representative songs for their relationship. Those musical pieces that make up the soundtrack of your love, and other new ones that bring a surprise factor. You can also include a small description in which you put why it is important or what it reminds you of when you listen to it.

How To Surprise Your Partner (And Enjoy Together) #surprise #couple #relationship

How To Surprise Your Partner (And Enjoy Together) #surprise #couple #relationship

2. Magic envelope

This idea to surprise your partner is a gift that you can enjoy for a long time. Get an envelope or do it yourself (you can decorate it as you wish) you can also use a small wooden trunk or decorated cardboard box. Assign it a name, it can be “Emergency Kit” or something else that seems creative and relevant to you. Then, cut many little pieces of paper on which you can write sentences and get to work!

On each piece of paper write different thoughts, they can be motivational phrases , love thoughts, your feelings and even invitations. Things like: “You can achieve anything you set your mind to”, “Remember that I love you”, “Love makes us invincible”, or “Good for a relaxing massage”. Fold the phrases, save them in the envelope and give it to your partner, tell him that the idea is to take out a piece of paper every time he is stressed, sad, or simply when he needs one of your words of love.

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Ways to Surprise Your Boyfriend

3. Things I love about you

Fill the house with love notes. You can title the project as “Things I love about you” Then in each note write something related to the topic. Example “I love your ability to deal with problems”, “I love your sense of humor” or “I love watching movies with you” I’m sure you’ll love it! We all like to be reminded of the things we do well, and also feeling valued strengthens our bonds with others.

Gifts To Surprise Your Boyfriend

Gifts To Surprise Your Boyfriend

4. Anonymous calls

To surprise your partner with anonymous calls, you will need a few accomplices. First, find some friends who want to help you. Then, write some love messages for your partner and send them to each of your accomplices. The idea is that during the day each one calls him and reads a different message, using a certain script. An example of this would be: “Hello Andrés, someone who loves you sends you this message: Thank you because by your side I feel like I can caress the sky with both hands” And that’s it!

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5. Relaxing massage

Create your own relaxing SPA to give your love a surprise out of 10. Adapt a magical environment, light candles, light incense, put on your best music playlist, get a body oil and get your best masseuse skills!

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Valentine Day Ideas for her and him

6. Love Movie

Create a love video in which you include the best photos you have together. Here you can display all your creativity and combine several of the previous surprises. It includes songs, love phrases, poems, and even some messages narrated with your voice. You don’t need to be a film director to do it, there are many applications and websites where you can make this type of video for free.

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7. Full control!

We know that for a couple to work, you have to learn to reach consensus in which both feel comfortable. However, it’s not bad at all if you decide to give him full control for a day. On that day, your love will be in charge of making the decisions. What to eat, what to do, where to go, and you will simply be there to fulfill their wishes.

8. Couple’s night

Create an unforgettable couple’s night to get out of the routine. You can resort to different couple games to make your love have a great time. Try for example with a role-playing game. Dress up for the occasion, organize the house in a different way and pretend that you are a doctor, teacher or the new neighbor who wants to ask for some sugar. Don’t get out of your role! and make your partner’s imagination fly.

9. Romantic walk

A great way to surprise your partner is by taking them on a surprise walk. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot of money, you can go for a walk in places you normally don’t go or apply the following technique which is phenomenal. They go for a walk and when they find a street division, one of the two will decide which way to go, and so on. In this way, not only will they have a delicious walk as a couple, but they will also get to know new places in the city.

10. Special dinner

A romantic dinner is a classic within the gifts of love, however it never fails because we all love food. Create a romantic atmosphere with candles, flowers and music. Cook your love’s favorite dish or prepare a new dish to surprise your palate. If you don’t have money to buy many ingredients, you can take your culinary skills and invent a new recipe using the ingredients you have in your kitchen, and if you also name the recipe with your name, it is a detail of fine coquetry.

Additional tips to surprise your partner

I hope you liked these ideas to surprise your partner. However, since every head is different, I am giving you these additional tips that can help make your surprise much more special.

  • Analyze the tastes of your partner, so you can personalize each of the surprises with themes or motifs according to the passions of your love. This will make them that much more special!
  • Don’t be ashamed to express your feelings. There are some people who say they don’t like surprises, but they don’t exactly mean love surprises.
  • If the surprise that you decide to give your partner involves time, such as a walk through the city or a romantic dinner. Pick a day when you’re sure it won’t interfere with your work. If your partner has accumulated work or must study for an exam, worry will not let them enjoy the surprise to the fullest.

You already know how to surprise your partner without having to spend all your savings. Now run and create memorable love moments!