'Deadpool 3' Writers Promise There Will Be Morbius Jokes.

‘Deadpool 3’ Writers Promise There Will Be Morbius Jokes.

Sorry, Jared Leto, but Marvel’s loudmouth mercenary has you in his crosshairs.

We feel sorry for Jared Leto and director Daniel Espinosa, but it seems that if Morbius is going to go down in history, it is because of the number of jokes and memes it has generated. 

Now, to top it off, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have promised that Deadpool 3 will have a place for those hemoglobin cunts.

During an interview on the Post Credits Podcast (via The Playlist ), Reese and Wernick discussed the loudmouth mercenary’s much-hyped debut for Marvel-Disney. This arrival, they point out, will be “a great opportunity to [tell the story of] a fish out of water”, with the character of Ryan Reynolds making the punch to the heroes of the MCU.

“Deadpool is a lunatic at the center of a movie,” Reese explained. “Letting a lunatic loose on a very sane world is a blast. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

And, as a side effect of the interview, we have the question of Morbius: it turns out that neither Reese nor Wernick had seen the film, had no idea that it had raised such a flurry on the internet … but now they can not escape the opportunity to have fun her.

“We have not seen Morbius. We have not even seen the memes, but now we have it on the radar,” they acknowledged. And when the podcast host suggested they include them in the film, his response was, “Now we’re forced to do it.”

Thus, Leto and Espinosa still have a moment of peace, given that Deadpool 3 is scheduled for 2024. But, when the film is in the street, we would not be surprised if their ears began to ring.