8 Mistakes Jurassic Park Made About Dinosaurs
The Jurassic Park saga is a franchise that sparked interest in dinosaurs in many people around the world. However, the movies could have more mistakes and fantasy than reality.
Here is a list of mistakes and exaggerations that Jurassic Park showed in its movies, but never happened in real life.
- Real life Velociraptors were the size of a turkey and had feathers.
The Velociraptors from Jurassic Park are very fast and aggressive killing machines , however, the velociraptors that existed in real life were very different.
Although they were carnivorous, they were turkey-sized, full of feathers, and couldn’t run faster than 60 km/h, which is pretty fast, but not fast enough to catch up with Chris Pratt’s motorcycle.
- The T-Rex couldn’t run as fast as it does in the movie.
According to science, if the T-Rex had run as seen in the movie, it would probably have broken its legs, due to its enormous weight.
According to “The Blaze”, the T-Rex could only run at 24km/h, so anyone in a vehicle could have run away from the fearsome T-Rex.
- It is impossible to get Dinosaur DNA from a Mosquito
The insect seen in the film did not exist at the time of the dinosaurs, but if it had existed, it would be practically impossible for it to have been trapped in tree sap, just after feeding.
In 2017 a tick was found preserved in amber from the Cretaceous period, however, it was impossible to do anything with the traces of DNA it had inside.
- Brachiosaurs couldn’t sneeze because of their long necks.
In Jurassic Park we saw how an adorable brachiosaurus sneezes, showering the protagonist with snot. However, brachiosaurs could not sneeze.
Sauropods could not sneeze, because they had a neck as long as a 5-story building, while their heads were tiny. If they had, his head probably would have exploded from the pressure.
- Dilophosaurus didn’t spit venom like in the movie
In the movie we saw how the Dilophosaurus spit venom and unfurled its neck to appear more intimidating.
However, the real-life Dilophosaurus could grow up to 6 meters tall, so it didn’t need to spit venom or “look bigger” to intimidate its enemies.
- Jurassic Park forgot to put “Feathers” on the dinosaurs.
One detail that Jurassic Park forgot to put into the dinosaur design was the feathers.
According to some excavations in Siberia, they suggest that not only some, but most dinosaurs had feathers on their bodies.
Remains of feathers have been found, even in dinosaurs that were not of the bird type.
Source: National Geographic
- Triceratops poop was unrealistic.
In the movie we saw how the Triceratops waste forms a mountain of poop, even the same size as them.
This is practically impossible, the poop of the dinosaurs called “Coprolites”, had a much smaller size. Similar to that of a cow.
- The T-Rex had excellent vision unlike how he is portrayed in the movie.
One of the famous scenes shows Dr. Alan and one of the children standing completely still, waiting for the T-Rex not to detect them, due to its limited vision.
However, the T-Rex had excellent vision, compared to that of a falcon, as it had forward-facing eyes, perfect for spotting its prey.