140 Naughty Flirty Love Phrases And Status For WhatsApp And Facebook #Naughtystatus #flirtystatus #WhatsAppstatus
Surprise your contacts with these original phrases.
WhatsApp is a mobile communication system that has become all the rage in recent times. Give your wasap status a different touch with some of these 140 phrases.
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140 Naughty Flirty Love Phrases And Status For WhatsApp And Facebook |
- The best phrases for Facebook and WhatsApp statuses
- love states for wsp
- funny WhatsApp status
- Phrases and song states
- romantic movie phrases
- Short indirect phrases
- original states for Facebook
- cool statuses for WhatsApp
- Short smart phrases for WhatsApp
- The best phrases of our readers
- beautiful statuses for WhatsApp
- Nice short phrases for Facebook
- Phrases for WhatsApp of life
- good statuses for Facebook
- cool WhatsApp statuses
- Short phrases of happiness for WhatsApp
- Other phrases to use in social networks
- Do you use phrases for your WhatsApp statuses?
Do you use WhatsApp or Facebook often and want to surprise your contacts with some interesting phrases? Do you want your username to be something that says a lot more than just your name? Well, then this article will be extremely interesting for you.
Is that here you can find a selection of 140 phrases that are perfect for your states . You will find some funny, others deep and all with some proposal that aims to describe what you feel at that precise moment. They also serve to communicate something to others in a forceful way. Do not stop using the one you like the most!
The best phrases for Facebook and WhatsApp statuses
If you are looking for short phrases for statuses, to use both on Facebook and WhatsApp, in this article you have a little bit of everything to choose from. Do you want to know the selection of the best states according to Innatia? Choose yours!
love states for wsp
If you’re in love, you’re dying of jealousy or you’re disappointed in love, you can also use phrases or love statuses to express your feelings through WhatsApp and Facebook.
Love statuses for WhatsApp can be dedicated to the person you like, your partner, friends or family. There is a status for WhatsApp of love for each important person in your life .
- “Not even the chocolate tastes sweet after kissing you”.
- “I prefer a minute with you to an eternity without you.”
- “The hardest is not the first kiss, but the last.”
- “Neither do I kill out of jealousy nor do you die for me”.
- “The world is collapsing and we fell in love”.
- “Jealousy is an explosive mix of love, hate, greed and pride.”
- “Friendship can turn into love. Love into friendship never.”
- “Today I love you more than yesterday and if yesterday I loved you too much, imagine how much I love you today.”
- “In jealousy there is more self-esteem than love.”
- “I want a kiss, one of those flavored I Missed You So Much.”
Are you looking for even more love phrases to share on WhatsApp?
Funny WhatsApp status
Who doesn’t like to have fun on WhatsApp? Luckily, there are dozens of funny WhatsApp statuses that you can send to your contacts or use them as funny statuses so that everyone knows that you are in a good mood.
Choose among these 10 funny status phrases that you like the most and send them to friends, use them as a WhatsApp status, in your Instagram photos or wherever you prefer . I have no doubt that these short funny phrases for WhatsApp will make your contacts laugh.
- “Money doesn’t bring happiness, but when it’s gone, it takes it with it.”
- “It bothers me that they talk when I interrupt.”
- “I didn’t fall, it’s just that the ground needed a hug.”
- “The gray hairs are no longer respected, they are stained”.
- “Sometimes when I close my eyes…I can’t see.”
- “Stand Up Green: Recycle Your Mother-In-Law.”
- “It’s good to leave the drink, the bad thing is not remembering where you left it.”
- “Been under repair due to lack of imagination.”
- “I drank to forget you… And now I see you double!”.
- “I have a heart of stone. (A statue).”
Phrases and song states
There is always a song that puts into words and music what you don’t know how to say or just don’t want to say directly . Not for nothing, song phrases are a classic to use for Facebook or WhatsApp status . Many of them are excellent to use as indirect statuses to send to that person you like and you still don’t dare to confess.
- “Did you ever feel what it’s like to be heartbroken?”
- “And die with you if you kill yourself, and kill me with you if you die.”
- “Why did you heal me when I was hurt if today you leave me with a broken heart again?”
- “You are my soul brother, truly a friend.”
- “They painted you little birds in the air, they swore false love to you and you believed it”.
- “If you want the stars, I’ll turn the sky upside down, there are no impossible dreams, not even that far away.”
- “If my sorrows cause you joy, it is because your rules are different from mine.”
- “Sleeping with you is being alone twice, it’s loneliness squared.”
- “Love is called the game in which a couple of blind people play to hurt each other.”
- “You say white, I say black; you say I’m going and I say I’m coming.”
Do you want to see more song phrases ? Choose the one that best represents you and share it through WhatsApp.
romantic movie phrases
Who has not ever been moved by a love or romantic movie? There is always a memorable moment, in which a look, a gesture and the right words touch your heart. For this reason, there are many phrases from movies that can help you express much more than a simple declaration of love .
- If I tell you that I love you, can you be mine forever?" (Gasparín/Casper)
- “My only love was born from my only hate.” (Romeo and Juliet)
- “Love sometimes lives in the warmth of the flesh and not in the murmur of the heart.” (Canova)
- “I wish I knew how to give you up.” (Secret in the mountain)
- “I do not remember to forget you”. (Memento)
- “I didn’t lose you, because you can’t lose something you never had.” (How to lose a man in 10 days)
- “I love him for the man he wants to be, and I love him for the man he almost is.” (Jerry Maguires)
- “No matter what happens tomorrow or the rest of my life: now I’m happy, because I love you.” (Better… Impossible)
- “Love grants others the power to destroy you.” (Twilight)
- “What do you think is so special about us that makes us so perfect?” (butterfly effect)
If you are interested, you can see more phrases of love movies . You can use them as a Facebook or WhatsApp status, or to send a romantic message to your special person.
Short indirect phrases
If you have something to say but you don’t dare or you can’t say it directly, the indirect phrases for Facebook and WhatsApp can help you. They are a good way to send a double meaning, sarcastic or ambiguous message to a person you prefer not to speak to face to face.
Choose one or more of these indirect WhatsApp status phrases to send to that special being .
- “When you say ‘it’s a long story’ it’s because it still hurts to tell it”.
- “I only want one thing from fake people: distance!”
- “Less WhatsApp and more looks”.
- “Never look for a lady if you don’t know how to be a gentleman.”
- “I don’t want to be special in your life, I want to be limited edition.”
- “A relationship is between two people, but there are those who don’t know how to count.”
- “Aggressiveness is the best sign that someone is an insecure person.”
- “I can ignore you so much that you will doubt your existence.”
- “They will never change you for something better, only for something easier.”
- “You are like a coin: you have two sides!”
Without a doubt, phrases with hints for WhatsApp are always a good way to say what you feel without committing yourself to do so. Rest assured that the person to whom you address the phrase will take it for granted.
Original states for Facebook
There are thousands of phrases going around social networks, but most of them are too trite. If you are one of those who prefer to show something different, it is best to choose short and rarely used original phrases .
Look no further, these are the original, short and concrete statuses for Facebook to use in your social networks
- “I need you to need the need to need me.”
- “For a cold, the best thing is to be cheerful.”
- “The bad thing about being punctual is that there is never anyone to appreciate it.”
- “Smile, I exist.”
- “When the stars go down, how sad it is to lower your eyes to see them!”
- “Curiosity has killed more hearts than cats.”
- “Absolute truth does not exist, and this is absolutely true.”
- “Why does the heart fall asleep if the soul continues to dream?”
- “I’m full of ideas but I can not share them”.
- “I don’t wish you harm, but I hope one day you fall in love with someone like you.”
Hurry up to choose your own original WhatsApp phrases before they go viral! There are options to not use the same phrases as everyone else.
cool statuses for WhatsApp
Who doesn’t like to have some fun on WhatsApp? You can put a little humor in your status or dedicate some cool and funny WhatsApp phrases to your friends and family. There is a phrase for each situation, but here we suggest some cool WhatsApp statuses.
Do you think you will find the cool phrases for WhatsApp that you are looking for? Take note and share.
- “What doesn’t kill you, makes you smaller (Mario Bros)”.
- “If the phone does not ring, it’s me”.
- “It’s good to stop drinking, the bad thing is not remembering where.”
- “Today I bathed in oil and everything slipped on me.”
- “The important thing is not to win, but to make the other lose.”
- “Mosquitoes die between claps”.
- “Laugh and the world will laugh with you, snore and you will sleep alone”.
- “Better late… because in the morning I sleep.”
- “Living in the clouds is not bad, the hard part is going down.”
- “Trying to be normal, but I get bored.”
If you want to give your WhatsApp status a fun touch, funny phrases are a safe option. Choose yours!
Short smart phrases for WhatsApp
For silly phrases there is real life. For WhatsApp and Facebook, the best are smart phrases . That’s why here you can find several ideas to use in your state. With them you can express your thoughts directly and safely.
- “The ignorant says, the wise doubts and reflects”.
- “Loneliness is being surrounded by people and longing for the one who is missing.”
- “The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”
- “Reason speaks, and sense bites.”
- “To err is human, but only idiots persevere in error.”
- “A good memory is one that is trained to forget the trivial.”
- “Asking for forgiveness belongs to intelligent men; forgiveness belongs to wise men.”
- “Believe those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it.”
- “The wise man does not say what he knows, and the fool does not know what he says.”
- “Every man’s character is the arbiter of his fortune.”
If you like to show that you are creative in your WhatsApp and Facebook statuses, nothing better than choosing clever phrases to leave your contacts thinking.
The best phrases of our readers
Surely you have in mind many WhatsApp or Facebook phrases to suggest to us. We read them all! Find here the ones we liked the most .
- “From your envy my fame is born.” (sent by Mario)
- “I’m a virgin, I swear on my children.” (submitted by Trabuco4444)
- “A man is not born with respect, respect has to be earned.” (submitted by Alexander)
- “The smile is mine, but the reason is you.” (sent by Miriluu)
- “Don’t wake me up, I’m studying.” (submitted by Andy Benitez)
- “Remember you??? Not that you were my password.” (submitted by Patricia)
- “I’m real, not perfect”. (submitted by Bel)
- “Appreciate what you have, overcome what hurts you and fight for what you want”. (submitted by Fabiola)
- “No matter how short the road is, whoever steps strong leaves a mark.” (submitted by Estiven)
- “Sometimes I pretend I don’t know anything, so I know how far they lie.” (submitted by Lucia)
beautiful statuses for WhatsApp
The beautiful WhatsApp statuses can be any phrase that you like or identify you. A famous quote, a song, a thought, a part of a poem or a story. Here are some beautiful statuses for WhatsApp that you can choose from .
- “Impossible has 2 letters left over”. (Rose)
- “A stone in the water dries up inside, that’s how it feels when the truth is the submissive word.” (Soda Stereo)
- “I met you one day in January with the moon on my nose / And since I saw that you were sincere in your eyes, I lost myself.” (Shakira)
- “I am a shooting star leaping across the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.” (What in)
- “You don’t have to go backwards or to give yourself momentum.” (Lao Tse)
- “Come back to me, that life becomes an eight for me if you’re not here.” (Shakira)
- “I think, therefore I am.” (Rene Descartes)
- “Doubt is the mother of invention.” (Galileo Galilei)
- “With the light of the sun my wings melt, I only find in the darkness what unites me with the city of fury”. (Soda Stereo)
- “If you want to change the world, change yourself”. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Nice short phrases for Facebook
If you want short beautiful phrases for Facebook to express yourself or express some kind of thought. In social networks you can share songs, stories and much more, such as these beautiful and short phrases for Facebook .
- “Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.” ( Bob Dylan )
- “Today is your day to be happy”. (Wizard of Oz)
- “To make mistakes is human and pain is necessary.” (Mark Anthony)
- “Today is a normal day but I’m going to make it intense.” (John)
- “If a memory hurts, oblivion heals you.” (Tow)
- “Would you destroy something perfect to make it beautiful?” (Gerard Way)
- “It’s a beautiful day, don’t let it slip away.” (U2)
- “There are no paths to peace; peace is the path.” ( Mahatma Gandhi )
- “The measure of love is to love without measure.” ( Saint Augustine )
- “Money can’t buy life.” ( Bob Marley )
Phrases for WhatsApp of life
Statuses of life for WhatsApp can talk about many topics, including life. If you still haven’t found the status of life for WhatsApp, it may be in this list of 10 appointments .
- “Sometimes I pretend I don’t know anything, so I know how far they lie.”
- “When I saw the photos of my ex, I thanked life for having regained my reason.”
- “If you feel like you’ve found the right person, but they already have an owner, then go on your way and don’t lose sleep.”
- “Silence grants, the look speaks and the smile confirms”.
- “When the road gets tough, only the tough keep walking.”
- “I never remember you, because I never forget you.”
- “Beware fears, they love to steal dreams”.
- “The problem with continually doing someone a favor is that the day you stop doing it, the bad guy is you.”
- “A relationship doesn’t need promises, conditions or terms; just the desire to love each other and be together is enough.”
- “I want one of those hugs that without words make you feel that everything will be fine.”
- “The problem with closed minds is that their mouths are always open.”
- “Been under repair due to lack of imagination.”
- “Each person has their story and each one knows how much their wounds weigh and hurt.”
- “Everything is possible when the desire exists.”
- “What daring is ignorance!”.
- “Before you point at me, clean your finger.”
- “I have so many things to tell you that if I keep quiet, I get subtitles.”
- “If they speak ill of you, you are doing something right.”
- “He who gets up early finds everything closed.”
- “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always learn.”
Good statuses for Facebook
Do you want good statuses for Facebook? Choose from proverbs, phrases from wise people, writers and much more. There are many things to post on Facebook: images, videos, news and, of course, also reflections .
- “When you speak, make sure your words are better than silence.” (Hindu proverb)
- “Life is ten percent how we make it and ninety percent how we take it.” (Irving Berlin)
- “Love has no cure, but it is the only medicine for all ills” (Konrad Adenauer)
- “Forgiveness is not forgetting, and in forgiveness without forgetting there are plenty of words and no heart”. (German proverb)
- “Morale is a state of mind. It’s tenacity, bravery and hope. It’s trust and loyalty. Team spirit and determination.” (George Marshall)
- “If you are real, keep your word, the man who speaks backs him up. Apply the saying, of the dog that barks, that nobody gets a goat.” ( Bad Bunny )
- “Don’t wait for your mood to change, your mind must know that it has to get to work.” (Pearl Buck)
- “Whoever has not suffered what I have, do not give me advice” (Sophocles)
- “I never thought that happiness had so much sadness”. (Mario Benedetti)
- “Think about everything you have and not about what you lack.” (Anonymous)
cool WhatsApp statuses
Now how about some cool statuses for WhatsApp? None of them have a recognized author, but they are interesting phrases that you can also use in your Instagram photos. Choose the one you like best and use it as status in any conversation with friends .
- “You have to look beyond what you see.” (Anonymous)
- “Living on appearances makes you a slave to others.” (Anonymous)
- “I wish you watch more sunsets than Netflix shows.” (Anonymous)
- “Get away from the ordinary.” (Anonymous)
- “Everyone has their story. I’m here to learn, not to judge.” (Anonymous)
- “Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.” (Anonymous)
- “Melancholy is the happiness of being sad”. (Anonymous)
- “No matter how short the road is. Whoever steps strong, leaves a mark!”. (Anonymous)
- “Live, fight, dream, travel. Repeat.” (Anonymous)
- “Sometimes you have to continue. As if nothing, as if nobody, as ever.” (Anonymous)
Short phrases of happiness for WhatsApp
The states of happiness for WhatsApp can have many or few words, but they all spread joy .
Do you want to share positive phrases in your networks? You can do it with a happiness WhatsApp status .
- “Peace cannot be found by avoiding life.” (Virginia Woolf)
- “Life begins every five minutes.” (Andreu Buenafuente)
- “Let’s be realistic, demand the impossible!”. (Ernesto Che Guevara)
- “Everything that can be imagined is real” (Pablo Picasso)
- “Love is a smoke made with the vapors of sighs.” (Shakespeare)
- “What one can become, one must be.” (Abraham Maslow)
- “A good traveler has no plans.” (Confucius)
- “The power of imagination makes us infinite.” (John Muir)
- “Knowledge is an antidote to fear.” (Gerd Gigerenzer)
- “Freedom dies if it is not used.” (Hunter S.Thompson)