Women Who Divorce Take 10 Years Off: Study

The gossips say that marriage is "one of the best stages a couple can experience" ... yes, of course. Fortunately for many, the sweet honeys of love do not usually last that long, and that is when there are irreconcilable differences it is time to give way to divorce, sometimes there is no other. And in the voice of many people, it is when true happiness begins.

Yes, an important phase is over and although you feel that the world is coming down, you have to remember that this works to welcome new and better experiences; You know, there will not be a man waiting at home for you to make dinner, you will not see more clothes thrown in the bathroom and the best thing is that you will stop reminding him that he should lower the toilet lid and that is a sensation that It gives peace and tranquility. But we not only affirm it because, according to a study, you are happier after the divorce.

Renewable Marriages, the Option that Promises to End Divorces

Invariably, despite the intensity of the marriage union, there will be a feeling of relief outside , as the separation triggers certain processes that eventually lead to a rediscovery and come to be considered healthy, according to a study carried out by the University of Arizona.

The research involved about 79 thousand women, who were studied for three years, which were between 50 and 79 years old, from different parts of the US, and all had finished the menopause cycle.

The procedure was to take the signs of blood pressure, physical measurements, waist circumference and body mass index. These were complemented with the habit of consumption of alcohol, tobacco and food.

A change in these aspects could be seen in the women who were married

  1. The body mass index increased
  2. They drank more
  3. Systolic blood pressure increased

Against the result of the same characteristics in women who divorced:

  1. The body mass index decreased in a remarkable way
  2. The size of the waist decreased considerably
  3. Improved the habit of feeding
  4. They started physical activity
  5. Increased tobacco consumption

In conclusion, weight loss results from the stress that women experience when they separate, however, it is true that now they are more available to take care of their health with physical activity and a balanced diet. Also, after the acceptance stage, they became happier, willing to continue improving every aspect of their life, making themselves look younger.