Respect: He Worked for Two Years to Be Able to Buy a Wheelchair for His Best Friend

What is friendship but a special bond between two people who, even without being family share moments of happiness and sadness, and are always there to help in the moment in which we need it; If there is a photograph in the dictionary to illustrate this concept, surely Tanner and Brandon would be a couple of kids from Kansas in the United States whose story will leave you crying.

Brandon is a young man who uses a manual wheelchair and after a whole day going up and down in his school, he ended up completely aching from the back, besides that, from giving so much to the tires, his hands were getting badly hurt.

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However, his best friend, Tanner Wilson, became aware of the situation and wanted to do something to help him; so he worked for two years in a mechanical workshop to raise enough money to buy an electric wheelchair for his friend, so he can move around more easily.

And he did it only for the value of friendship, to see his friend happy, without expecting anything in return.

Secret Tanner had been working and saving all his money to make the purchase of his life, all because Brandon was his best friend, and had always been there, in good times and bad.

He has been a very good friend and I wanted to do him a favor. I felt like I needed to do it and I wanted to do it. For the past three years I wanted to get one, and I tried it many times. There are many people out there who have a lot of problems and need a little help. Sometimes they can not do it by themselves.
So, after years of saving, Tanner put together enough to buy his a wheelchair and gave it to him in a class, in the midst of all his classmates, shaking Brandon to the point of tears:

They came and my face lit up, I was crying everywhere, I mean, I can not believe I did that for me.

On the other hand, both the teachers and Tanner's family say that he is like that, he has always sought help without expecting anything in return, therefore, this act of kindness does not surprise them, however, they are proud to have him in their lives.
For the time being, Tanner and his family are looking for a way to provide a van to Brandon's family, since his new wheelchair does not fit in the family car to be transported.

Without a doubt, we would all like a friend like Tanner, however, to get to that, we must first be that friend willing to help everyone in any situation.