132 Most Romantic Birthday Wishes For Your Wife
132 Most romantic happy birthday (bday) wishes, SMS and messages for your wife to make her day special.
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Romantic Birthday Wishes For Your Wife |
These are the one of the most awesome 132 happy birthday wishes for your wife if you want to wish to your beloved wife. If you really love your wife who takes care of you and your children and always stands for you and gives support to you. These are one of the best romantic birthday wishes for your beloved wife. As a husband it is your priority to make her feel speical on her bday. So you can do it by sending this happy bday wish on her whtsapp, facebook or even twitter. You can also set a happy bday picture on your whtsapp image. So there are lots of ways you can wish your wife a romantic happy birthday wish. So far these are the top 132 happy bday wish for your wife. Just send it to your wife via SMS or Messages and enjoy the beauty of her day with her.
132 Most Romantic Birthday Wishes For Your Wife
- I am so blessed to hve an amazing nd loving wife by my side.
- My dearest wife, U make every day worth living nd I cherish the special moments we get to spend 2gether. They wil remain etched in my memories forever.
- Growing old with U is one of my most favorite things to do.
- Today is all about U, my lovely wife. So let us dine at Ur favorite restaurant, open Ur favorite bottle of wine nd watch Ur favorite movie. Today is about indulging in what U love!
- My love for U, darling wife, is like the digits of PI: infinite nd non-repeating.
- U mean so much to me thn words can surmise; I adore U, I admire U, I’m crazy about U nd Ur unblemished love. Happy Birthday baby!
- My dearest nd soul mate, Happy Birthday! Remember U are the reason I’m successful nd stnding tall to this day.
- My sweet, my love for U just got a new inspiration nd meaning, on this special occasion of Ur birthday.
- For the woman who has given a new meaning to love, the woman who has stolen my heart nd offered me the much needed confidence in life, I say Happy Birthday!
- My true love, on this special day I wud like U to know tht without U I wud 9t be where I’m.
- To my darling wife; a good loving husbnd wil always remember Ur birthday, 9t Ur age.
- U came to my lonely heart like a cool ocean breeze, nd happiness nd joy came along with U.
- Without U my dearest, my life wud only be an existence.
- U are truly my source of happiness, strength nd inspiration.
- On the day of Ur birth, I promise 9t to tire until I hve fulfilled Ur wishes nd desires.
- While I am blinded by Ur love nd beauty, it has opened my eyes to a better nd more fulfilling future.
- Today we are celebrating U, my love: the woman who makes everyday a celebration.
- Marrying U was the best decision I hve ever made.
- I don’t want to rule the world. I merely want to live in Urs.
- U are a beautiful, intelligent, tenacious nd tenderhearted woman. tht’s all 9t, but I’ll whisper the rest in Ur ear tonight.
- I love U with every ounce of my soul, inch of my body nd throbbing beat of my heart.
- Everyone should throw away their mirrors bcoz it is U, my beautiful wife, who is the fairest of them all.
- Here’s to hoping our moments 2gether are greater thn the amount of water drops in the Seven Seas nd grains of snd in the desert.
- I love U more thn bees love flowers, fish loves to swim nd birds love to fly.
- I must be a knight in shining armor bcoz U are a beautiful princess in a fairytale.
- I once thought tht I could love U even whn it might be hard to. Over the years, however, I hve found out tht it is nevr hard to love U.
- All I really want to do in life is to treat U right nd keep U mind. 9t just today on Ur birthday, but on the other days of the year as well.
- whn I married U, I took on a massive debt of undying commitment nd unconditional love. nd I promise to keep trying to repay this debt until I take my very last breath.
- U fulfilled all my wishes the day U became my wife.
- After years of marriage nd memories oh so sweet, whn I see U my heart still skips a beat.
- U are truly a gift from heaven tht has helped me become a better husbnd nd father.
- Even though U hve turned a year older, U are still as beautiful as the day I married U.
- For most people, they must read quotes in order to find the true meaning of a lifelong romance. I just simply hve to look into Ur eyes.
- U are the reason tht I smile during the happy times. nd, more importantly, the reason I smile during the bad times.
- Money can buy expensive cars, luxury homes, lavish holidays nd a lifestyle fit for royals. But those things are useless without the love, support nd guidance of a beautiful queen. thnk U, my love, for being my queen.
- Don’t pinch me! Being with U is like a dream tht I nevr want to wake up from.
- After all these years 2gether, U still make me feel like the teenage boy who won Ur heart. U are still my high school sweetheart.
- I promise to keep falling for U over nd over again, no matter how old we get.
- Time has made a beautiful woman of my special girl. May U find joy in this day as U hve brought so much joy to my life. Happy birthday with much love.
- U grow more lovely with each passing year. Ur beauty is only surpassed by the warmth in Ur heart. May this day find U in happiness nd health as my heart continues to hold U dearer each day.
- Let's hve a Champagne Birthday Party
- Let’s hve a Champagne Birthday Party
- Words fail to express the happiness U hve brought to my life. On this, Ur special day, may U understnd what can't be said. I love U. Happy birthday.
- Today we celebrate the day U came into this world, as each day I celebrate the day U came into my life. Happy birthday.
- Each day we should celebrate Ur life, as it has brought so much joy to mine. Today should be no different, though we are reminded by the anniversary of Ur birth. On this day, it is my hope to return to U a small portion of the joy U hve provided me in our lives 2gether. I love U always nd forever. Happy birthday.
- Ur beauty can't be overstated. My love for U is beyond exaggeration. On this, the anniversary of Ur birth, let us celebrate all the many reasons I am grateful to hve U in my life.
- As this special day approaches, I just want to remind U of my undying nd concerted love for U.
- U are nd wil always remain the girl of my Uth, no matter how many years passes by.
- My dearest U are nd wil always remain my little princess, bcoz my love for U keeps getting tender nd robust every day.
- I feel so lucky nd humbled for having someone like U as my wife. thnk U for being such a blessing nd company to my life.
- Every year Ur birthday comes nd goes, but Ur love wil forever remain in my heart.
- I wish U a fulfilling nd lovely day, 9t just on Ur birthday but in every day of Ur life.
- Happy Birthday to the most awe-inspiring, friendly, beautiful nd outrageously funny soul mate U hve been to my life.
- As we celebrate Ur birthday, I pray to the almighty God to bless U on this special day nd give U strength nd success in the rest of Ur life.
- I can't imagine how boring life wud be without U on my side. U hve been a dearest soul mate, wonderful friend, lovable partner nd exceptional wife to me.
- Wine turns sweeter with age. This is the same with U dearest; U hve grown to become more beautiful nd charming ever since we first met.
- U are the angel who has always guided me through the life maze, a cherished gift from God.
- I wil forever remain grateful to the tender love nd passion U hve given me all these years. I look forward having many more years of fulfilment nd happiness with U.
- U make my life verily complete. I do 9t know how I wud hve survived this far without Ur enchanting love nd charm. Happy Birthday!
- If Doc Brown pulled up alongside me in his time machine nd asked where & whn I wanted to go….the day we 1st met so I could fall in love with U all over again (& then I’d probably ask to go back to the Wild West—who wudn’t want to rob a bank with Wild Bill Hickok?!). Happy Birthday, wife.
- Happy Birthday, my love! ….nd just so U know I knew it was Ur birthday even before I saw it on Facebook.
- I wrote on Ur Facebook wall to make it official. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife.
- U are a9ther year older, wiser, nd even more beautiful……I love everything about U nd hope U hve the best year yet. I love being able to call U my wife!!
- Happy Birthday to the wife who has the best husbnd in the world! U are one marvelous woman!!
- It’s amazing nd incredible how my love for U continues to grow with each passing day. The ups nd downs nd u-turns tht life brings is so much nicer with U by my side. I can’t imagine it any other way. May this new year bring U an abundance of happiness. Happy Birthday, my gorgeous wife.
- U were just a small town girl living in a great big world whn U took tht midnight train straight into my arms. I was just a small town boy living a lonely life. I took tht midnight train going straight to Ur heart. I love U. Don’t stop believin! Happy Birthday!!
- It has always been a treat to wish U well on this special day of remembrance.
- To the world out there U are simply one person, but to me U mean the entire world.
- I’m deeply enthralled by Ur beauty, spellbound by Ur love nd mesmerized by Ur charisma. No wonder my life revolves around U.
- Happy Birthday my sweetest nd dearest wife. Hardly a day passes without me thinking about U, how empty wud my life be without U?
- bcoz U are the gift tht keeps giving, I present to U my gift of love wholesome nd wholeheartedly.
- Love reverberates inside me each time I think about Ur undying love.
- Of all the nice things in this life, Urs resides at the epicenter of my desolate heart.
- Gold nd silver wud be too common nd diamonds wud be too cheap compared to a precious gem like U.
- U are the healing tonic of my life, without U, my life wud be inebriated with toxic, Happy Birthday my dearest wife.
- Everybody knows tht U hve turned one year older, but U’re body looks like it has just turned one year Unger.
- What present surprise can ever equal the past, present nd future gifts U hve bequeathed upon me, Happy Birthday sweet.
- As the radiant sun rises, so are Ur looks nd love. Happy Birthday, the girl of my dreams.
- U are the reason why I smile in good times keep cool nd collected during the bad times.
- On this special day, all I want to do is blow U a hearty kiss, adore Ur cuteness nd gaze at Ur priceless smile.
- To the entire world I say, I’m proud to hve a woman so beautiful, focused nd talented to share the rest of my life with.
- Ever since the first day we shared our first innocent kiss, I knew U are going to be my Mrs.
- Although Ur love continues to blind me every often, all it has done is open door to a bright future full of success nd happiness.
- As time marches onward, we grow nd change with each year. My love for U remains impervious to decay. As my body nd mind decline with the passing of the years, my love for U grows stronger with the passing of each day. Happy birthday with love always.
- U hve made me whole in so many ways. I can't imagine a life without U in it. I celebrate Ur birth on every day. If I fail to let U know, it is only bcoz the words escape me. Today I want to let U know the depth of what U truly mean to me. I wil love U forever. Happy birthday my love.
- We celebrate Ur birthday bcoz the world is a better place since U came into it. I celebrate Ur birthday bcoz my life has meaning since I found U. Happy birthday. I love U.
- A million words could 9t express my gratitude for knowing U. The grndest gesture could 9t portray the love I feel. My life with U is a treasure beyond any riches tht I could ever hope to achieve. I celebrate U every day. Happy birthday.
- The sweetest sentiment can't convey what U mean to me. Words fail to approximate the love tht is in my heart. Today U grow older, as we all do every day. I celebrate my gratitude for the opportunity to grow older with U by my side. Happy birthday my love.
- All the joys I knew before we met can't compare with one moment of having U in my life. May all Ur days be happy nd grnd, nd may today bring U special joy. I love U. Happy birthday.
- I can't begin to explain the fulfillment U hve brought to my life. My actions are useless to show U what U mean to me. I can only hope tht today finds U joUs, the same as every day with U finds me. Happy birthday my love.
- I could nevr hope to find a treasure as great as the joy of knowing U. My life has only improved since the day we met. Today we celebrate Ur birthday, just like every day I celebrate the fact tht U were born. I love U. Happy birthday.
- Today the rest of the world celebrates U, just like I do every day. Happy birthday my love.
- There are no words to express my love for U. whn I don’t say it, it is bcoz I don’t know how to. May this day, nd every day, return U some of the joy U hve brought to my life. I love U. Happy birthday.
- They say tht age is but a number. Today marks a9ther day tht my love for U grows. I wil love U forever. Happy birthday my dear.
- A wrinkled old hag U are 9t. Hair growing from Ur nostrils nd ears U hve 9t. Smelling of mothballs nd musk U do 9t. Growing old is most becoming to U, my dear. May U hve a birthday full of merriment & good cheer surrounded by Ur family nd friends. Happy Birthday, my incredible wife.
- Happy 5th Anniversary of Ur 29th Birthday, Sweetheart!
- Happy Birthday to the only woman I wud want to be shipwrecked on a tropical islnd with.
- To my beautiful wife, may the years forever be in Ur favor nd the days always kind. Happy Birthday!
- Congratulations, my darling wife. U are now considered a classic! Happy Birthday!
- Sweetheart, according to the credit card statements U really love tht trendy vintage clothing store downtown. I thought I could save money by finding U something vintage from a9ther place U frequent often. After I dusted off some cobwebs nd washed it a couple times to get the smell of mothballs off–I think this sweater from the back of Ur closet looks pretty good! Happy Birthday, my beautiful trendsetting wife!
- Happy Birthday! I am Ur husbnd. May the force be with U!
- Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife! They say ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ nd U, my love, wil ALWAYS be the apple of my eye.
- Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, caring, understnding human being on the face of the planet whom I wil love nd support for the rest of my life… regardless of if I’m allowed to go on tht men’s golf outing this weekend….
- To my one nd only, my beautiful wife, I hope this year brings U as much joy nd happiness tht U hve brought nd continue to bring to my life. Happy Birthday!
- U are the nutella to my toast nd the ice cream to my apple pie. Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife.
- Happy Birthday. I love U more thn I love bacon…..nd tht’s a heck of a lot.
- Happy Birthday to the only woman I wud ever want as my co-pilot.
- Happy Birthday, my lovely wife! Today is the one day out of the year where I thnk God for my mother-in-law.
- To my love, the universe became brighter nd the planet more beautiful whn U were brought into this world. Happy Birthday.
- Happy Birthday to my household CEO. U are one-in-a-million nd I am so thnkful U are my wife.
- Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. If we had been on the Titanic nd only had 1 door between us, I wud hve made room for U nd nevr let U go.
- Happy Birthday, my wife! Today we celebrate nd U are 9t allowed to lift a finger. Dinner, laundry nd cleaning wil be taken care of…put Ur feet up nd enjoy Ur day!
- Happy Birthday to the one tht still makes my heart skip a beat nd my stomach do somersaults whn she enters a room. I am so proud nd blessed to be able to call U my wife!
- “What’s in a name? tht which we call a wife by any other name wud smell like bundt cake.” I may 9t be Shakespeare nd I might 9t look like Magic Mike but I am Ur husbnd nd tht suits me just right. I love U! Happy Birthday, my sweet!
- U are so lucky to hve me as Ur husbnd…but 9t as lucky as I am to hve U as my beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! Happy Birthday, my love!
- U are the best boss a husbnd could ever want! Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Do I hve any vacation or sick days left? I love U!
- Happy Birthday! thnk U for saying ‘Yes!’ nd coming along with me on this wild ride called life. I wudn’t want to take it with anyone else but U!
- Happy Birthday to U! U don’t look a day over…26…22..er…19..?? I love U nd Ur eternal Uth! U grow more beautiful with each passing year.
- Happy Birthday to my hot & sexy wife!!! Love, Ur very own Mr. Grey
- I wud volunteer as Tribute for U, my darling. May the odds forever be in Ur favor. Happy Birthday!
- I wake up every morning nd thnk the good Lord for Him bringing U into my life. Jerry Maguire said it best ‘U complete me’. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. I love U always nd forever.
- Beautiful wife, U are. Happy Birthday, it is. This light sabre, I gift U. Love, Ur Jedi
- Roses are red. Violets are blue. I think my wife is awesome nd pretty great in bed too! Happy Birthday, beautiful!
- Wife, for Ur birthday I hve decided to give U something U hve been wanting nd pleading for years for. I hereby swear to no longer take my iPhone into the bathroom. See, my love for U knows no bounds!
- Tonight U can be the big spoon, sweetheart. Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife! How about tonight we go eat at tht Chinese vegan restaurant U love, hve a Downton Abbey marathon nd then after tht stroll down to tht little coffee shop for the poetry reading—-said no man EVER!!
- There are only 2 absolutes in this world. Chuck Norris is the biggest badass in Hollywood nd my love for U is infinite. Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday to the woman I am deliriously crazy in love with…..now nd always wil be committed to U.
- I felt like I opened a Wonka bar nd found my golden ticket whn I met U. Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife. I look forward to the many wonderful, scrumdiddlyumptious years ahead.