Betrayal Messages

Facing hard time. did someone betray you. and you want to express this feelings then use this betrayal messages and get rid of that negative emotion.
Betrayal Messages
Betrayal Messages

Sometimes few relationship does not end in good way and you feel cheated and betrayed. this feels your heart with negative emotions for that person and you feel unable to get rid of that. For exaple if your boyfriend cheated you and you feel so bad for yourself than this will fill your heart with bad emotions for that person. But you also want to forget him and want to get rid of that negative emotion then below betrayal messages will help you to forget about him or her. This will relase your negative emotion towards that person.

I know you are a borken heart and one more time you want your heart filled wit love then use this collection of betrayal messages and be happy for one more time.

Betrayal SMS

Betrayal is worse thn death. The death delivers wht it promises. Bt betrayal is cruel slaughter of hope.
9ting comes free,
If U hve betrayed me,
The time will turn,
Whn U’ll be betrayed by some1. 
If some1 has betrayed U 4 the first time it’s their fault bt if U let it happen again thn the fault is Urs. 
My heart aches at Ur thoughts,
Bt I hve 2ld it 9t 2 beat 4 U,
My tears fall 4 U,
Bt I hve 2ld thm
9t 2 come 2 my eyes anymore.
All I wanted from U was love. I guess it was 2o much 2 ask from a person who has no heart.
I craved 4 U,
Nd I cried,
I loved U,
Bt U lied.
I can’t say I M unhappy tht U hve left me. Rather, I think tht the God has finally given me a fair chance.
Whn betrayal is unexpected it doesn’t hurt bt it hurts whn it comes expected.
Being betrayed is the worst feeling in the world. It can make U feel like a loser even whn U R at the 2p of the world.
Whn U left me I felt so bad nd used. Bt now I hve learned 2 ignore the feeling of abundance. I hve learned 2 ignore U.